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This is a warning this chapter contains Assault and triggering things. Do not read if you are going to be triggered. The Chapters after this will only get worse so be prepared.

Author POV (Namjoon is the one telling the story)

"It all started when Jimin, Jungkook, and I were in our 11th grade year. Around that time I was 16 and Jimin & Jungkook were 15. We lived in Busan at this time. Gunwoo was 19 and already graduated. 

I knew who he was I had seen him around school but I never talked to him. He was bad news when he was in school, always getting in fights and expelled. He also bullied a few kids so I never even thought of going near him. 

However, no matter how bad he was something about him said he may not even be that bad. And part of me wanted to go up to him whenever I saw him. So when he graduated I was a little said that I wouldn't see him anymore. 

Until, I went to my favorite library and I saw him again. This time he was covered in tattoos he looked buffer but not to big. I went on with my time in the library, but I would still glances at him from time to time. 

It went on like that for 2 weeks, until I mustered up the courage to go and talk to him.  I made a promise to my self that the next time I would see him I would say something. So that Friday when I went to the library. 

I was gonna at least say hi. But when I walked in and went to where he usually sat I didn't see him. I thought I missed him and missed my chance. Sad I walked to my usual spot but when I got their. 

Sitting in my seat was him,he was sleeping. I remember staring at his face and wanting to just hold his face and show him the love I was sure he was missing. I walked closer to him and tapped him on the shoulder. 

I said, "Excuse me". He stayed asleep no matter how hard and how much I tapped him. After a while I gave up and started to walk to a different spot when. He grabbed my hand. And said, "Giving up so soon kitten". 

I looked at him in shock, he stared at me with a smile that would make everyone fall so easily. I laughed at him surprised that he was awake and then at the horrible nickname he gave me. I said back with my hand on my hip, "Well it didn't look like you were gonna wake up anytime soon"

He laughed at my attitude and sat up looking at me fully. I remember the feeling I felt when I watched his eyes move from the top of my body to the bottom. He stood up and looked down at me with a smirk. 

With that he walked away and I stood their looking stupid in the face. After a minute I relapsed what happened and I started fangirling like a school girl. When I went home that evening I called Jimin and Jungkook and told them what happened. 

They were happy for me but at the same time they told me to be careful cause he is bad news. And at first I ignored it cause I thought they were just being protective. God as i sit here now I wish I listened to their words. 

As I went back to the library the same thing would happen. He would be sleep in my spot and I would wake him and fail. Then he would tease me, and that when on for about a month. Then one day when we were talking. 

He asked me on a date, surprised but happy said yes. And with that we started dating. Jimin and Jungkook were happy for me but the keep saying be careful. At one point we got in a fight cause I didn't understand why they were being so protective. 

We didn't speak for a few days and in those few days I was always with Gunwoo. In my eyes we were going great, but I guess he wanted space. Cause then we got in our first fight, he said that I was always under him. 

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