To the Redstone Academy

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Authulilia had been talking to a Jaggathan called Grek about trying to find the Prime Songs since Senn only knew where 1 Song was, but wouldn't say where. she got a message bird saying that they had to go to the Redstone Academy to make such a device. which meant the Masters had to organise a group to go to the Academy to find the Songs Thalleous had hidden. 

Senn was to go, because he knew where 1 Song was, so he was ordered to go, Authulilia and her twin, Amberilia due to their combat skills. Despite Amberilia being a weaponsmith, she knew a few things of combat and better yet, navagation. she knew the stars better than anyone because Thalleous had taught her to read the sky like a map. Galleous, who was equallt gifted in navagation and able to craft a weapon out of anything in mere seconds. Achillean so he could weild the incoming Songs because the plan was to have him weild 1 Prime Song, one he was gifted in, while anyone strong enough to weild 1. 

Hubris and a newcomer, Grim, who had been found wondering around in the nearby woods, talking nonsense about his partner abandoning him. Ria as well, since she didn't want to be separated from Senn again. Aurora Nestoris and Orion Nestoris, they came due to the thrill of adventure but knew agriculture, so if they ran out of food, these two could forage for edible plants without the danger of poisoning.

news from the enterance of Ataraxia came that an army had arrived under a white flag. when Senn saw them, he didn't know if they were mutated humans or a mixed breed. a man with white hair had two small ears poking out of his head, next to him was a human with dark brown hair and green eyes. the guards had said they had come from Feldin and had come to help in fear that the Voltaris would side with the Necromancers. the place had been utterly destroyed so they had no choice but to go to the Ardonian city even though it was very well hidden.

"how exactly did you get here without an Ardonian to help you?" Amberilia asked while carrying a bunch of freshly made swords to her knapsack on Cloudjump's saddle.

"some hooded figure told us directions and warned us that we'll be judged by a Guardian to pass. he was right and when we turned back, he'd just...... vanished." the leader said.

"what did you say your name was, Felina?" Authulilia asked with a bag of wheat for the horses.

"Captian Kiyoshi. this is Niika, Lucan, Alec and our soldiers and some survivors of Feldin." the Leader Felina said.

"i see. and the Angel helped with what he could, from what i'm taking?" Authulilia added.

"you know what that thing was?" Lucan asked.

"of course. he is part of my bargain with his boss and he's feared in the Nether. he helps out when he can, also Dread is his half-brother i guess you could say. they rarely part." Authulilia nodded.

"great fighter too. have any graves robbed lately, cuz word is from our spies that they've been raiding graves for a bigger army." Niika pointed out.

"our graves were raided, even damaged. we didn't see it coming, didn't hear it. just saw what had happened in the morning. and it was storming too, best cover up." Authulilia nodded.

"where are you going by the way?" Kiyoshi asked.

"Redstone Academy to get a device to help track weapons needed to fight the war. ever heard of our weapons as Songs? our Prime Songs were hidden, dunno where they are but 1 and we need a special device. one of my friends told me he'll help with it." Authulilia said as Senn passed carrying his own Song.

"i dunno what my Song does, but what does yours do?" Senn asked like an innocent curious child.

"Mine allows me to change my form. i learn from Thalleous's health to use it less to not make it worse. i only use it in extreme battles when its most needed." Authulilia held out her Supporium Song.

"Supporiums defy anything to do with physics. thats why." Senn muttered.

"mine allows me to levitate items. not as impressive but its an ability all the same that is useful." Amberilia said passing by with a sack of food to carry.

"need any friends to help you out?" Kiyoshi asked.

"we sure do need the numbers, but as a leader, you may have to stay here to prepare your own troops. get to know who you're helping." Galleous said while putting the reins on Timber.

"we'll send some with you. Niika, Lucan, Jicara (pronounced Gee-Car-a). you three go with them to help." Kiyoshi ordered three of his troops.

Lucan, Niika and a Felina with black hair and blue eyes ran forward on his order to help out. Authulilia thanked the Felina Leader and went to Skyleap, finishing getting ready for the long trip ahead.

"ok, where did you say this Academy was?" Galleous said on Timber while Senn climbed on.

"East of Riverview. i know that place like i know my sisters weapons." Authulilia said.

Amberilia looked at Authulilia as Jicara got on Cloudjump. Lucan got on Sunstreaker with Hadion, Ria got on Shadow with Hubris while Niika got on Skyleap behind Authulilia.

"oh, i know Riverview. been there a few times, whenever i was transferred from jail to jail." Lucan said.

Authulilia turned in her saddle as Niika face palmed to look at Lucan strangely.

"Jail? your a criminal?" Senn asked.

"yeah, i got out, got put into the mines but got attacked by the necromancers and had to work with Kiyoshi after a failed attempt to lure Necromancers." Lucan said, clearly ashamed.

"let me guess, cooking rotten flesh? that does work, you gotta use Wither bones to lure a Necromancers in hope for him to raise it. but it can only be one bone or we'd have a crisis." Amberilia said, shaking her head, laughing.

"hey, i didn't know. stop laughing at me." lucan grumbled.

"well, i guess if we need to escape a place in haste, i guess you'd be in for it if you know your escapades." Authulilia pointed out.

"well thanks. at least someone appreciates what i do." Lucan said.

the group left Ataraxia, unknown to them they were being followed by the hooded figure with bright blue eyes.

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