Meeting New Allies

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Authulilia was watching over camp on a rocky perch while the group slept. Timber and the horses were tethered to a tree while Hadion kept an eye on the fire. Hubris was laying with his head resting on a log while Niika was sleeping on a rock. Lucan was on watch with Achillean and Jicara.  Galleous was supposed to take Hubris's second shift but Senn had fallen asleep on him, cuddling the poor blacksmith like a teddy bear.

Authulilia chuckled. that poor boy barely slept since the whole Sendaria massacre and needed someone to help him through the pain. Galleous was as close as Thalleous to the boy, just no sense of using his own Songs.

a rustle came from behind her a a familiar smell came over her senses. she smiled.

"Werewolf. good to see you. how's your end of the line holding?" she asked, turning around.

Werewolf tilted his head and made a few quiet growls and snapped his jaws.

(Translation: very busy. Dread was forced to resurrect a male Sendarian for the army as his report says, and the Necrolord is also causing troubles)

"In other words, nothing new. ok.  and i'm guessing Entity is following Igneous well?" she asked.

Werewolf grunted and made a clicking noise.

(Translation: although he got spooked when the Magmorite (can't remember how to spell, my spellings off lately) turned around suddenly. i dunno how he'll hold in the coming war i'm afraid.)

"me neither. now go before my shift is over, ok? tell your boss my end is relatively quiet." Authulilia whispered.

Werewolf nodded and scampered into the woods and out of sight.


The group arrived of Riverview by the second sunrise. every day, there had been at least one incident, like Senn tripping into a ditch one morning and needed help out of it since he was so tired. one the horses, Achillean had somehow managed to spook Lucan and he'd fallen off. it was slow going but they had made it in short time.

Galleous nudged Senn behind him one Timber as the Clanless Ardonian had somehow fallen asleep within 30 minutes of waking up. the young Ardonian groaned and lifted his head and blinked wearily. 

"we're here already?" Senn slurred, still more than half awake.

"Does anyone have something we can give Senn as he needs to stay awake for the rest of the way?" Ria asked, concerned.

a lady with Blue hair was at the gates and had spotted the group coming towards her. she got up from leaning on the wall and trotted forward, waving.

"Hey, i'm Katelyn. what are you here for?" the lady asked.

"we're here to talk to a Jaggathan at the Redstone Academy

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"we're here to talk to a Jaggathan at the Redstone Academy. know where he is?" Achillean asked.

"huh, you guys seem heavily armed. the Mayor doesn't like violence or weapons here." Katelyn noticed the knapsacks of weapons and tools the horses carried.

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