Waking up

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When I woke up I knew something was wrong. No longer was I under my fuzzy blanket with my face buried in pillows. No, as I looked around into the dark I couldn't even see walls, or a ceiling. All that was there was the hard surface underneath me. Fear quickly taking over my head I tried to figure out where I was, or at the very least find a light switch. My fear stricken brain started filling my thoughts with what could be roaming the dark space. Hostile creatures surrounding me, demons smiling at me in the dark, all sorts of fantasy creatures that came to life in the dark. The ground beneath me starts to shake, each time more forcefully, each time the faint sound of footsteps getting louder. It was now that my brain conjured up a monster that had been buried deep into my memory, from way back in kindergarten.

Taking a shaky breath I sit down where I was, hugging my knees to my chest.

"There's no such thing, stop being stupid. Really, Al, nothings here."

Song lyrics float into my head, and I desperately cling to them, trying to calm myself down.

Just as my heart rate begins to slow light floods the room I'm in, and I blink open my eyes.

I really wish I hadn't. Around me was a normal room. Posters of bands like Green Day and My Chemical Romance decorated the walls, and if I wasn't focused on what was in front of me my heart would have swelled at the sight of some of my favorite bands. Next to me was a bed, beyond that was a bookshelf. On the wall opposite the bookshelf was a closet, and in front of me was a guy with ear buds and what looked like an iPod. His music was so loud the I could hear it from where I was, one hundred feet away. And that guy in front of me was a hundred foot teenage boy singing terribly along to Kill the DJ. I swallowed.
OK, Allie, just slowly walk backward, its not looking at you...you can-

I yelped as the ground beneath me disappeared and I fell backward.

I fell twenty feet before landing on the bed, sinking only slightly and bouncing up a few feet. I manage to sit up and regain my bearings before the guy falls backward onto the bed to, sending me flying. My eyes are frozen open as I soar fifty feet into the air, the guy has his eyes closed, his hands behind his head as he wails along to the song. Slowly I stop going up, and start falling down, towards the bed, towards the teenager.
Ohmigod please don't land on him, please god, I know we don't have a good relationship, but if you exist I need you to save me now!

I landed right next to his neck, four feet from his open mouth. Slowly I stand up, shakily trying to move away from the giant next to me. Just as I take a step forward the giant moves, sitting up and pulling himself farther up the bed, bringing most of his weight to me. The 'ground' sinks near me, causing me to fall forward, closer to his body. I freeze as he leans back, slowly coming closer to crushing me. Finally my feet realize they can move, and I stumble away as fast as I can on the soft surface. Then it occurs to me that I'm only running closer to the pillows, the same destination as his head. All I had to do was run to the side, where none of his body would be. I stop for a second as this dawns upon me, then see my mistake as I'm pushed into the mattress by an immense weight. Crushing me yes, killing me no, I was trapped in a small hollow between his shoulder blades. His grey shirt fell around me, making it difficult to breath, I pushed down on the mattress trying to get more room. My heart raced.
What if he feels me?

The music was slightly muffled, but I could hear it through the sound waves traveling through his body into mine.
This has got to be the weirdest way to listen to music ever.

He shifted around, then grew unnervingly still.

"What the...?" I could feel the vibrations of his voice throughout my entire body.

He rose up, shifting the mattress even more and causing my heart to still, just as his shirt was lifting off of me I started crawling towards his pillow, if only I could make it.

"What the fu- holy $#*t!" He leapt of the bed.

"What the hell is that?"

Just as I reach the safety of the pillow its taken away from me. I flip onto my back to meet his eyes.

His iPod blares from the floor, his ear buds still hang from his head even though they are disconnected. In his hands he holds the pillow I was desperately crawling to. Once I turn around his already agape mouth drops even more. I see the saliva inside, and shudder at the thought that I was small enough for him to swallow me whole.

He moves closer, hesitantly, not blinking. My mouth was glued shut, and my eyes unable to close, in those painful moments of overwhelming terror I forgot how to breath, feel, see or move. He reaches his hand toward me, and I can't even flinch, I'm literally paralyzed in fear.

The huge digits slowly engulf me. Enclosing my body in a flesh prision. All I can see is skin, rough skin that suffocates me and dampens my clothes with sweat. When light is let in I'm greeted with the sight of huge eyes. The enormous brown irises move slightly as he runs his gaze down the pathetically small length of my body. Its only then that I realize I'm wearing nothing but an oversized shirt and very short shorts. My bare, somewhat stubbly legs were exposed. Suddenly self conscious I curl up into a ball and close my eyes.

This random, giant, teenage boy was holding me on the palm of his hand. After laying on me.

"What the f*#king hell?"

He moves, causing me to fall over in his palm. I cling to his pinkie, even though I can barely wrap my arms around it. Tears start to pool in my eyes, soon overflowing.

"You're obviously human..." He mumbles. He seems completely oblivious to my meltdown.

"Where'd she come from though?"

Just then the door slammed open.

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