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Random wormhole opened up under you're sleeping figure and sucked you into this universe?
That's the only thing that makes sense.
And my brain hurts too much to think about it anymore.

My previous headache was returning from trying to puzzle out what had happened and how I got here. Exasperated, I fall backwards onto the soft comforter. A quick glance at the clock revealed I had been walking for a whole five minutes. I attributed my sore legs and arms to all of to-yesterday.
I really want a shower...
That's kind of impossible...
Ya think? I didn't realize that.
Would be nice though...
And a change of clothes.
Yeah. Not gonna happen though.


I rolled over into a stretch, or at least what was supposed to be one. However, my wonderful positioning and luck caused my stretch to turn into a downward plummet to certain death.

I opened my mouth to scream, but the air stole my voice.

The...wind beat against my limbs, slapping my shirt against my stomach and back. Snapping my fingers upright. The floor rushed up to meet me. My mind started processing what my eyes took in.
Its carpet.

That hopefully would be enough to break my fall.

Otherwise my fall would break me.

I struggled to close my eyes, not wanting to see my death. Once I finally do, I stop falling.

My neck snapped back, my inertia crushed my lungs against the floor. The sudden stop of motion, combined with my forward momentum, basically forced my body into the carpeting.

While I was still alive, I hurt.
Is anything broken?
I don't think so, let me dig my face out of the carpet and check though.
You do that. I'll wait for your mood to improve to.

I slowly lift myself up, my shaking arms making that rather difficult. Nothing appeared broken or sprained though. My only issue was that I still hadn't stopped shaking.
Well, nice skydiving. Always wanted to do that. I guess.
Beautiful form.
Thank you.

I hug myself and look around the giant, dark, threatening room. With the endless walls and plenty of hiding spaces.
This isn't a good time to have an active imagination...
Thing is all of this stuff could be real...
That's not helping.

It felt like my heart had grabbed a sledgehammer and was hacking away at my ribs. My eyes darted from dark space to dark space, watching for a monster to leap out at me. Thing is, there were a lot of dark spaces.
Oh...I wish Jeramiah would wake up.
Your knight in shining armor.
Shut. Up.

My heartbeat echoed in my head, interfering with my hearing. Making it so I wouldnt be able to hear what was sneaking up behind me.

I jump around, certain I would see something. But, there's nothing.
I wanna go home...

The bed creaked, and I imagined a monster leaping down, or grasping me, or squashing me, or-

The creaking became louder and more frequent. Then, the large figure bolts upright. His feet swing out, landing yards from me. He stands, steps away and turns on the light.

My vision becomes blocked by spots, my heart stops hammering away in attempt to escape.

My tense shoulders drop.

His squinting eyes roam the room, searching. Cautiously he walks over to the bed, watching the floor. Finally he stops in front of me.

"Allie? Why are you on the floor?"

I look up...and up....and up...and-you get the point. His eyelids were drooping, his hair looked like it had been through a tornado.

"Um...I...kind of..." Did not fall, nope, I jumped, that's what I did. "Maybe...rolled off?" I look down to hide my embarrassment, and stupidity. Yes I admit it, I'm not that bright okay?
Way to go.
If we'd died you wouldn't be so negative.
If we'd died I wouldn't be here at all, neither would you.
Yeah yeah, technicalities.

Vote if you like. And me loves ya!

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