I dont do spicy, ok?

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The conversation had kept on long after I had assumed a fetal position in Jerra's warm hand. The subject matter had changed to what to do now, where would they go? Chance pulled out some jerky sticks, passing them around.

The aroma made me sick, I was starving, but my brain recoiled at the thought of eating. My belly complained, and eventually I decide to request some form of substantance.

I'm lowered to Jerra's leg so he can use both hands to break off a piece of the jerky, he slowly lowered it to me.

I grabbed at the arm sized hunk, staring at it before nibbling the side.

The flavor was overwhelming, and...

"Ahh, hot! Hot! Hot! Its hot!"

I dropped the spicy thing and waved my hand in front of my burning mouth. The fire coated my lips and tongue.

"Guess she can't handle spicy food."

Dean laughed softly. "Too hot for ya kitten?"

"Why the...hell do...you call...me...kitten?" Oh the hotness, it burned.
Its so hot, uh I feel tears.
You're such a sissy
It's burning my mouth!
Its not that hot anymore
Oh crap, I'm crying!
I think you just missed Dean's answer...
Screw his answer! I need water!
Did they even bring any?
Screw them if they didn't!

"Water? Please!"

They exchanged amused glances.

"Screw you guys! I don't do spicy OK? And this is like twenty times the spicy!"

"Don't think we have anything for you to drink out of..." Chance began

"Could just put her in the water bottle."

"Dean, that'd probably kill her."

"She'd get her water." He shrugged, smiling.

"It doesn't burn that much anymore, no thanks to you." I stand straight, wobble a bit and then fall.
Screw my balance.

My mouth still burned, but they obviously weren't accomplishing anything.


Chance lowered a bottle cap to me, the liquid spilling over the low sides.

The bottle cap was like a tree trunk to me, and I couldn't even hold it. Instead I dip my hands into it and scoop up the cold water.

"Thank you."

He straightened and spun the cap back on. "No prob."

Ross stood. "So, we done with our little rest break?"

Jerra picked me up again and stood. Slinging his pack over his shoulder with his free hand.

I looked at the guys as they stood, the tallest was probably Dean. All of them looked at me and Jerra.

"She gonna be an issue to you?"

"I've carried her this far."

"Does she want to be in your pocket?"

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