Ear buds

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The boy tosses me into his lap and slams the pillow on top of me. Suddenly trapped in darkness and nearly suffocating again, anger and indignation push my original fear far into the back of my mind. Who was this kid? And why on earth did he think it a good idea to shove me here? I squirm under the pillow.

"James, what're you doin'?" The girl's voice froze me again.

"Nothin." The gu- James replied in monotone. "Now, what do you want?" The sheer hostility made my blood go cold.

"Can you play wi-"

"No." He leaned back onto his pillows.


"I. Said. No."


"Get out of my frickin room!"

The door shut quietly.

We waited in tense silence, slowly the pillow was lifted off of me and I was permitted to breath again.

The brown eyes met mine and I froze again, the anger dissipating rapidly. Flesh swallows me before I could speak, and again I find myself laying pitifully in his palm, clutching his pinkie like it was my last hope of survival.

"Can you talk?"

Now, here's where the incredibly undignified Allie Thompson stands and starts to tell him off.


Yes. The speech of the century.

I look away as he brings his hand closer to those giant eyes, barely shorter than me.

"How'd you get in my room?"

I sobbed. "I- I don't kn-know."
Don't eat me!

"Are you cold?"

Why would he...? Oh. I was shaking, that'd probably be why. My head nods involuntarily. The surface I'm on drops drastically, and I whimper as I tighten my death grip on the only thing keeping me from certain death. Then, warm, fuzzy warmth.

I bury myself in the fuzz around me.

"So warm...so fuzzy."


Then I'm shaken roughly off the fuzziness. Furious I glare up at James, but, where is he? I stand, leaving the fuzzy...I turn around and look at what I'd been huddled in, a...slipper. The fuzziness lost some of its appeal, as I knew what had probably occupated it previously. Pouting, I look around the huge room. And, on the bed, right next to me was a snoring boy.

"You really fall asleep in like two minutes?" Then I look at the giant clock on the table, 3:00 a.m. oh. The light was still on, he was still in his clothes, iPod laying right next to his open mouth. A small stream of drool pooled around the device.


And there was me, like a few yards from that giant mouth.

I start to take steps back, then stop, remembering the last time I did that.

"You sir, are not an attractive sleeper." He snorts, as if to agree to that.

I suppress laughter. Yes, I was somewhat watching him sleep, but not like a creeper. The iPod caught my attention again, the faint light telling me it was still on. I remember the posters, he had to have songs I liked.

Trying not to lose my balance I walk carefully to him. Avoiding the small puddle I press on the screen, the bright light blinded me for a moment. His playlist was already up. I saw a lot of my favorite songs on there.

"Oh I so want to listen to these now..." I look up at James, the ear buds still in his ears.

"All I need is one.." I step around the drool, willingly getting closer to the open mouth. Now, everyone's seen the YouTube video of a sleeping person swallowing an insect as they inhaled. I felt like that insect as his breathes pushed and pulled at me. "Please don't eat me...please, I just want to listen to your music." I whispered as I thought up the best way to go about this, which, as I began climbing his hair, probably would have been to climb his shirt. I looked down at the mattress already seven feet below me.

"No thanks." I slowly make it up to the side of his head. His ear is bigger than me if that puts things into perspective. I pull on the huge earbud, it budges slightly.

"Come on...please..." I grunt and pull until, miraculously, the thing falls out.


The earbud slides down his face, dragging me with it just as James turns in his sleep.

"You ju- just h- had t-to want ta list-en to mu-music di-didn't ya?" I stammer as I find myself dangling from the cord looking down into the deadly cavern below me. In other words, I was hanging onto the cord of an ear bud trying not to fall into the open mouth of a giant teenage boy that appeared to be a very deep sleeper.
You know what?
You could have just unplugged the ear buds...

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