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All of the period I sat curled in a ball, biting my thumb and thinking about what I'd seen.
Maybe he has a cat...
No snyde remark?
Oh my gosh.

The bell rang, and for once my ears don't start ringing.
Must be the sweatshirt...

Fingertips slip in and brush my leg, before slipping back out again.

The clicking of a lock and scrunching of my pocket follow.
What period is this?

I inch over to the opening and peer out, Jeramiah reaches up to unhook a backpack.

He stuffs the numerous books into the brown, fraying, and stained bag, zipping it up and standing. The locker closes, and the lock clicks.

His hand reaches into my pocket again, this time wrapping loosly around me, his strides lengthen, and I'm glad for the extra security as I am jolted around. Cold air reaches through the thin material and raises goosebumps on my bare arms and legs.
Why did you sleep in this?
Because it was eighty degrees...
Not here.
Thank you captain obvious.

I received a shock of cold air when his hand moved away, and I found myself wishing for that warmth.

"Nice day Jeramiah?"


There was a squeal, and one last jolt as Jeramiah sat down.

Then his hand slipped in and wrapped gently around me. I look up at him as he lays his hands on his lap. His eyes are brown now, a light brown with green flecks.

"What's your name?" He whispered, his voice soft and timid.


My skin was still covered in gooseflesh, and I press myself against his warm hand.

His eyebrows furrowed.

His fingers bend over me, sharing their heat.

"You can ask about it you know." He whispered. "I saw you looking at it." His free hand reached up toward his face, then fell.

"I-you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"Its nothing bad, just a birthmark." The tone of his voice told me it was bad, that he hated it.

He glanced at me, then away, then back again. I raised an eyebrow.

"Anything to say?" I tried to keep my tone light.

He shook his head. Closing his eyes and letting his head fall back. The loose grip he had on me loosened farther, and I slipped out of his warm hand.

I wanted to make this boy smile.
You don't like like him do you?
Obviously not.
You are acting like it.
I just want to be a friend for him.
What if he starts thinking he wants to be more than friends?
Then I'll just have to tell him. will.
And we'll have to hope he isn't one of those lunies.
If so...
We're dead.

During my conversation with myself I had climbed up his arm. Which, honestly, was torture, in fact, this entire day I've worked out more than I have in my lifetime. If that's lead to my fuller figure then so be it, but I won't make this a habit if I can help it. He tensed under me, but didn't make any moves to halt my slow advance.

Once I reached his shoulder, totally not panting and about to collapse by the way, I sat down. After catching my breath I said hello.

He laughed.

And that made my exhausting journey worth it.

So...better update? Hopefully? if you liked, comment some feedback (I accept both positive and negative so long as it's respectful) love yous :)

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