Chapter 7

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Nancy's POV

Our plan didn't work out exactly as we wanted it to. We didn't even ask June if she had a crush on somebody! We left out half of the plan! At the same time, it didn't completely backfire. June trying to figure out Benny's crush is a good thing. It's a bit of progress and that's exactly what we wanted. I do wish we made more progress or at least finished the plan. I will take what I can get however. We definitely need to do something else though. We need to do more.

I was the first awake at the sleepover and I used it as a opportunity to think. I needed to think of something else to do. As I was deep in thought, Ham suddenly woke up.
"Good morning sleepyhead," I beamed.
"Morning Nance," he mumbled sleepily and rubbed his eyes. After he fully woke up, we started discussing our old plan and ideas for a new one.
"What if we do something simple...something like watching a horror movie?" He suggested.
"June hates horror movies!" I whisper-yelled. I couldn't actually yell because everyone was still sleeping.
"I know, that's the entire point. She hates them because she gets scared really easily, right?" He asked. I nodded. That was a fact. June is legitimately terrified of horror movies. It's weird because she is so outgoing in real life. She won't even hesitate to punch someone, the boys told me that June has clocked some people before.
"So since she is so scared of them, she will most likely grab onto or hide behind someone. We just need that someone to be Benny," Ham explained. That was honestly a fantastic idea. However, there was one problem with it. "How will we get that someone to be Benny?"
Ham thought for a moment. It was actually a few minutes, but he eventually found a answer to my question. "We have June sit in between you and Benny. That makes it more likely that she will grab onto him. Then if she doesn't, she ends up grabbing onto you. That way, Benny won't get jealous."

I had to admit, that was a pretty solid solution. It wasn't a full proof plan, but I think it might work.
"That's not a bad idea. We should do it! Now all we have to do is ask them to hangout! Wait, where will we watch the movie?" I asked. Neither of us thought that far ahead.
"Probably at somebody's house," Ham shrugged. That was fair. That wasn't as big of an issue as I thought.

Once everyone was awake and coherent enough to have a conversation, Ham and I began the first step of our new and improved plan.
"I have a great idea," Ham said.
"Is it anything like your last one?" June countered.
"It is actually, I know you will hate it," he countered her counter.
"Please enlighten me with your terrible idea then," she fired back. This was a example of why you never argue or get into a sarcasm battle with June. She will always, literally always, win. June is the most sarcastic person I've ever met. She is ruthless sometimes.
"I think we all should hangout and watch a movie...a horror movie," Ham said, his voice went quiet at the last part.
"Why a horror movie specifically?" Timmy asked.
"Yeah, are you trying to torture June?" Benny added.
"We don't watch them very often. We barely watch them at all. I think it would be nice to watch one," Ham simplified his answer from what we originally planned. However, it was still effective.
June sighed. "Alright, I'll watch a horror movie, but you owe me one Ham!"
"Deal!" He replied. He wasn't done talking however. "Where are we going to hangout? I didn't think of that part."
"My parents are out of town. We can watch the movie at my place. My older sister is there, but she's cool," Benny offered.
"I just realized, we've never met your sister," June said.
"Really?" Benny seemed genuinely surprised.
"Yeah, I think most of us have seen her before but nobody has met her," Bertram pointed out.
"Then we have to hangout at my house. You all need to meet Avery," Benny insisted.
"Then it's settled, we will watch the movie at Benny's place. Do you guys want to watch it tonight?" Ham asked. Everyone nodded in unison.
"Is 8pm a good time for everyone to come over?" Benny thought of another variable Ham and I forgot. Again, everyone nodded in unison.

Every factor was now accounted for and the plan was in full swing. I had more confidence in this one. I think it's going to work, fully work I mean.

Author's Note: Chapter 7! Look at me writhing from Nancy's POV again. This chapter also needed to be from her perspective. I bet I'm gonna end up writing from Nancy's POV more than I think. I hope you enjoyed this chapter though!! 😊❤️
Like every other chapter, I did proofread but if you find any typos please let me know! 👍

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