Chapter 13

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Nancy's POV

It was the day after our pool adventure. However, we didn't have to go to the pool today. It wasn't too hot. It was actually the perfect temperature for baseball. I had to talk to some of the guys before they played baseball though. I had business to attend to.

"What's up Nance?" Ham asked once I pulled all the guys, other than Benny, aside.
"Have you guys seen what's been going on with Benny and June?" That was the business. The romance of Benny and June. Some serious progress had been made and we had to discuss it.
"Yeah!! I have been seeing it! I think the two of them might get together on their own! We don't even have to do anything!" Ham exclaimed.
"We've barely done anything," Smalls pointed out.
"That's even better," I chuckled.
"They have been having a lot of moments, romantic moments I mean," Squints said.
" should we even do anything else or just wait for them to get together on their own?" I asked.
"I think we should give them a push in the right direction," Smalls said.
"How do we do that?" I had absolutely no inspiration for how to achieve this new goal.
"Maybe we all could go to the midsummer dance? Then we could try to get the two of them to dance together or something like that," Ham suggested.
"Ham, none of us want to go to the midsummer dance!" Timmy was kind of freaking out. I swear steam was close to coming out of his ears.
"Wait, what midsummer dance?" I have never heard of this dance. June never talked about it or even mentioned it. She never said a single word about it. I loved dances so I desperately wanted to know all information about the midsummer dance.
"Every year our town has a dance in the middle of the summer. Hence the title being the midsummer dance," DeNunez explained.
"Yeah yeah, it's been a tradition for years," Yeah-Yeah further explained.
"Why do you guys not want to go to the dance?" I was highly confused. I loved dances so much and I don't understand why somebody would purposely avoid them.
"It's just not our thing," Timmy shrugged.
"This year it will be!" I beamed. "Don't even try to argue with me. I already made the decision for all of you! That includes June and Benny!" I said before anyone could object.
They all groaned, but they eventually complied. It was official, we were going to the midsummer dance.

I now had to inform Benny and June that we were going to the dance. I walked over to them with a smile on my face. "I have something very important to tell you two."
"What?" June asked with a curious grin.
"Everyone, including the two of you, will be going to the midsummer dance this year!" I cheered. Benny and June exchanged skeptical looks.
"There is no way the rest of the guys agreed to that," Benny was laughing as if I just told a joke.
"We did," Bertram sighed. Benny's jaw nearly dropped onto the ground below him.
"The decision is final by the way," I stated.
"You know, the dance could be fun," June mumbled. She obviously wasn't confident in her own words.
"You don't sound very sure of that," Benny said and literally read my mind.
"I'm trying to be optimistic," June smiled weakly.
"How's that working out?" Benny asked sarcastically.
"Not great," she admitted.
"Listen, we are going to the dance! You two will have fun! I will make sure of it!" I demanded. Benny and June backed down. They caved quickly and said they would accompany the rest of us to the dance.

Smalls recommended that we tell Benny about June's feelings and then encourage him to confess his own feelings. All this would take place at the midsummer dance. The romantic atmosphere would help and add extra cuteness to the confession. This became our third and hopefully final plan. If this didn't work, then I don't know what it would take to get Benny and June together.

Author's Note: Chapter 13!! I like this chapter. It's simple, but it's simple in a good way. Another thing, there are only going to be a few more chapters of this fanfic. I know it's sad lol, but I wanted to let you know! I already have ideas for my next TWO fanfics so look out for those!!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! 😊❤️
Like all the other chapters, I proofread but if you find any typos please let me know! 👍

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