Chapter 12

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June's POV

The sun was setting by the time we started walking home. It was really pretty. The sky had become a wonderful mixture of pink, yellow, and orange. I've never had the time to really watch a sunset. Maybe that's why I never noticed how beautiful they are.

At first, we were all walking together but as time went on we separated. We split up into different groups and pairings. Benny and I walked together.
"I can't remember the last time I saw you with your hair down," Benny said. I rolled my eyes.
"Hey, I'm not saying that as a bad thing," he reassured me. "It looks nice," he added quietly.
"Thank's annoying having it down though," I said. Benny's compliment made me get flustered and forget what I was saying as I was saying it.
"Why?" he asked.
"When it's up in a ponytail it's not in my face. When it's down however, I can't keep it away from my face," I complained.
"You could try tucking it behind your ear," he suggested. "Hold on," he only said a fragment of a sentence. I had no idea where his head was at or what he was going to do. He stared at me for a second. He was clearly thinking of something. It seemed like his mind was racing.

He stared at me for what felt like years, but he eventually completed the plan he was creating in his head. He gingerly tucked a few strands of my hair behind my ear. I'm pretty sure my heart stopped in that moment. I was most definitely blushing and I couldn't fathom what had just happened.
"See, you should do that more often. It looks good on you. You look beautiful. You always look beautiful, but you get my point," Benny commented. I didn't responded. I couldn't. I was speechless. Benny was clearly relying on impulse because the reality of his actions suddenly hit him. His face became red and he focused his gaze to the ground.
"S-Sorry, I w-wasn't thinking," he stuttered.
"Hey, it's fine. You're fine. I just wasn't expecting you to do that," I tried my hardest to make him feel less shy and awkward. Luckily, I accomplished my goal. We were back to laughing and talking within seconds. It was as if nothing had even happened.

As the trip home continued, more people left. It was only Benny, Smalls, Nancy and I now. Just as we were about to separate, Benny stopped me by grabbing onto my wrist.
"Are you comfortable with going home?" He asked. He was immensely concerned. He looked scared too.
"Yeah, I think I will be okay. I have Nance with me now. Plus, both my mom and aunt are home," I said.
"Okay, I trust you. If anything happens you call me, okay?" The fear that was previously in his eyes had gone away. The concern hadn't, it was still there in it's full form.
"Okay, I will. I promise," that was one promise I could easily keep. Benny let go of my wrist and smiled wearily. "I'll see you tomorrow."
I grinned and started walking away. "See you tomorrow."

Nancy and I went straight home after that. When we walked inside, my dad said nothing about last night. He never mentioned it. He didn't say a single word about his attempt to hit me. It became apparent to me that he didn't remember it. I guessed he blacked out or something. I came to the decision to not mention it either. I know that wasn't the best decision. I didn't care though. Not mentioning it resulted in one thing. My dad and I's relationship would stay the same. It wouldn't change. I know that's not great, but it's better than our relationship becoming worse. Though, if he ever tried to hit me again I would mention it. Then, and only then, I would have to deal with the consequences of a broken relationship with my father.

Author's Note: Chapter 12!! Another adorable chapter! That's it! I do understand that it's a bit short though.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 😊❤️
Like always, I proofread but if come across any typos please let me know! 👍

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