Living Beneath The Depths

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Hey! I have to introduce myself before starting my story (or rather,autobiography). I'm Lila, this is the first story I've ever written, and I apologise if this is too short as I have no apparent experience in writing longer stories.

Constructive critisism is always appreciated, and I thank you beforehand for reading my first story.


I don't own any of the characters here except for a few, eg. Lirana, Courtney, and a few other more.

This story is based on HP and The Half-Blood Prince. 

All of it belongs to J.K. Rowling, one of the best authors in the world. :)



Hello there. You might not know me, so I'm here to introduce myself. I am Lirana Narcissa Malfoy, daughter of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, younger sibling of Draco Abraxas Malfoy, niece of Bellatrix Lestrange and god daughter of Severus Snape.

Many have asked if I look anything like my parents or Draco. I have long casading raven hair that curtains down to my shoulders with wavy curls. This I inherited from my mother, Narcissa. My eyes are similar to my brother's, a silvery grey. My skin is as fair as any Malfoy could be while my other features are slightly similar with my father, Lucius Malfoy.

My age difference with my brother, Draco Malfoy is five years. He was in the fifth year when I came to Hogwarts. In this story, I shall relate to you about my life, my experiences, the sweet and bitter parts of my life.

As I was writing this story, I received an award for 'Strongest Witch of The Year', and I thank everyone for believing in my family and I.

Therefore, I present to you,

Living Beneath The Depths.


So, how was it? I can't say its very good, but I hope I made a good impression. Please comment! :)

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