The Princess, my princess

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Soon he carried her to the palace and the physician looked at her and bandaged her injured arm; with an instruction that she eats well; how could he tell Gwen to eat more; when she wasn’t the kind to eat.
He looked at her just as the queen came inside.
“How is she doing?” she asked taking a seat next to the bed.
“She is getting better; the doctor says she needs enough rest and food.” He said holding Gwen’s hand and rubbing her palms.
“What happened?”
“She fell on a rock and snatched herself.” He lied, telling the same story, he had been feeding everybody; it was better that way.
“Oh my goodness!” she exclaimed in sadness.
“It’s okay; she is going to be fine.” He assured her.
“Gwen, please be alright.” She pleaded.
“Gwen? Who gave her that name?”
“Oh I did, she refused to tell me her name, so I gave her one, she was so scared.” The queen said smiling.
“Very scared.” His hand traced the hair line on her face.
“Why are you with her; doesn’t that undermine your status.”
He smiled as he shook his head. “I am very attracted to her.”
The queen just nod.
She looked at her face. “She seems so delicate and so quiet.” She said sadly.
“She is a survival.”
“Why are you doing this?” she asked not completely sure of his motives yet. She had seen maids that came from different places; it is no surprise he might know her since they were from the same kingdom.
He shrugged and sighed; he knew Princess Victoria wouldn’t him to do anything to expose her.
“I am grateful.’ She said again.

The next morning, she woke up, she touched her head and just as she turned; she felt the pain on her ankles, just as she was about stand; she saw Prince Robin; walked into the room.
“Good morning, my Princess.”
“Prince Robinson..” she said as she forced a laugh.
He moved to her and kissed her forehead. “Sleep well?”
“No, I had the worst nightmare.” She said with a laugh.
She shook her head and smiled and then she looked round. “Where am i?”
“In my room, the room, they gave me actually.”
Without any further argument. “It’s big.” She said as her eyes widened in astonishment.
“You like it?”
She just nods.
The door opened, the maid entered. “Here is the food you asked for, my Prince.”
He nods as she placed the tray by the bedside; then she looked at Gwen with an admirable smile.
“Find my clock, Julie. I’m cold.”
‘Yes. Yes, yes. Where is it? You don’t look fine.” She said as she ran round the room for an imaginable clock.
Gwen laughed. ‘Thank you, Julie.’
She stopped and smiled. ‘Get better, Princess.’ She said and walked outside.
“Princess?’ she asked the prince.
He shrugged.
She gave him a look; “I hope you haven’t told her anything.”
He shook his head. “As much I would like to, you told me not to; so they will know when the time is right.’
“You look beautiful.” He said as he removed the hair from her eyes.
“Thank you.” She blushed.
He helped her sit up and hand her, her breakfast and just then princess came but she didn’t enter the room yet.
“Did Princess Angela, come to see me?”
“No, she didn’t.”
“You were here, the whole time?” she couldn’t believe it.
“Yes, I didn’t have where else to sleep and you know I hate sleeping anywhere else that is not my chambers.”
“This is not your chamber, Robin.” She said with a smile.\
”But you are here.” He said.
“Thank you.” She whispered after few minutes.
He nodded his head. “The Queen was here; she is worried about you. How did you get the injury?’
“When Princess Angela slapped me, I fell on a thick glass.’
He stood up and pulled her hair back for her; he unknots the ends of the rope of the hair and he raked his hair into it. “That means she is to blame.”
She shook her head. “Please, don’t say that.” She had caused enough problems as it is.
Prince Robin was about to say something when Princess Angela entered.
She frowned; “What a lovely couple.” Princess Angela hissed walking towards them.
He looked at her but didn’t remove his hand from Gwen’s hair.  “What are you doing here?”
“Came to see my maid; if that is okay with you?” she didn’t wait for him to answer.
“Are you okay?” she asked anyway.
Gwen didn’t answer.
She touched her damaged hand. “Tell me, if it hurts.”
Gwen didn’t say a word; even though she was hurt.
“What are you doing?’ Prince Robin asked her; as he began walking her out of his room.
“I asked if it hurt.” She asked when they got the door.
‘You know now; it does or are you one that can see but is blind.’ He dropped her hand, from his drip.
Princess Angela fumed; hating the much attention she getting she turned to Gwen. “You are not going to take the prince away from, Gwen; I will not let you; you are dead before that happens!’ She scowled before she excused herself.
He got back to her; when the door closed before him.
Gwen just shakes her head. ‘You shouldn’t have come here, Robin. You shouldn’t have.’
He held her hand. ‘I would have sooner or later; whether you were here or not. But I wouldn’t get married to her, not for anything my love, I promise.
She just nods and then he went back to his task on her hair.

Few days later, Gwen was allowed out of bed; she and Robin strolled round the garden; they stopped when they heard two maids say;
“Seems to me,. The prince of Yana is now after Gwen; the Princess’ maid.”
“You are right; can you believe the Prince stayed with her alone in his room.” The second one said.
“The Princess is jealous; she is more than angry with Gwen; I hope Gwen never resume as Princess Angela; if not she will have her head.”
“Gwen must feel lucky; I think the Prince found the Princess, he has been looking for.” She said with a smile.
Then she saw the prince and Gwen as they came into view.
“Good day, my Prince.” They both kneel, before Prince Robin smiled at them and they hurried away.
“Did you hear them; Robin?”
“Yes, I heard them; my love.” He stopped walking and faced her.
“I have to stay hidden, Robin; I don’t want to anyone in harm’s way, much less the royal family and entire kingdom.”
He held her had. “You are not going to put anyone in harm’s way. You are not going to keep hiding. I want us to get married and I am going to protect you.’
‘For how long?’
He touched her face; “For as long as necessary.”
She sighed. “My Prince, can I ask you something.”
“Anything, My Princess.” His hand didn’t not move.”
‘When I left, did they come for me again; did they kill anyone else?’ she asked worriedly.
“No, they didn’t.”
“I am scared, they might come here.”
He hugged her. “Nothing will happen. I am here now.”
“I think they are coming. I don’t know, I just feel it…..’ She muttered in his shirt.
“I promised to be by your side, and I will keep that promise..”
“I know.” She nods.
They sat on the bench; Robin held her hand as they both stared into the dark sky;
Suddenly Prince Robinson saw a flash coining his way; he pulled Gwen to him and the dagger went straight into the tree behind her.
“Oh my God!” she said shocked.
“Let’s go.’ He stood up, holding her hand.
They stopped when they saw shadows in front of them. “What do you want?” Robin asked.
“Just the princess; give her to us and we might just let you live. Might is the word.”
Prince Robinson gripped victoria’s hand tighter; there was no way, he was letting her go….again.
“You have to go through me.’ He said putting her behind him.
They came into light; the Princess and Prince saw the issue; they were all guards of the palace; how were they able to go through the palace gates? Question for later; he felt as Gwen picked something from her side and threw at them and then they saw the opportunity to escape but not toward the palace but down the lake.
They ran as their lives depended on it; dove into the water, swimming sides by sides; when they got to the edge; much to their relief; they saw one of the men disguised as a guard; holding his sword and looking all over the place for them; Prince Robinson; came up slowly and had the man’s leg, pushed him down only to be quieted by Gwen’s fist shoved into the man’s face with so much strength.
‘Your training really paid off.” She heard Prince Robinson.
“I learnt from the best teacher.”
His humble self; he knew that; that was brought them together in the first place.
“Your highness!” Prince Robinson grabbed the man to the king’s presence. They were still wet; from the water.
“Why are you both wet?’ the Queen on her seat asked them.
“Long story.” Gwen said.
“What did the guard do to you, Robin that you have him kneel in front of me?’ the king asked.
“This is not your guard, your highness. This lowlife here is here with his men to kill Princess Victoria.”
There was gasping in the room; filled with king’s subjects and servants.
‘Princess Victoria you say.” Came the King impatient voice.
“But the Princess is not here.” He added looking around.
“I am Princess Victoria.”
More gasping.
The Queen was on her feet.
“Yes, I am Princess Victoria; I ran away from the Yana Kingdom; because I was scared; I didn’t want to die and I didn’t want anyone to die because of me but…..Robin came here and I guess they must have followed him here.”

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