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The story takes place in another universe called cardverse. The cardverse universe is divided into four ancient kingdoms, the kingdom of hearts, the kingdom of clubs, the kingdom of diamonds and the kingdom of spades. Peace and happiness has ruled for the past years, but now through the switch of generation the balance between the kingdoms will be endangered.

The most powerful kingdom, the kingdom of spades, has lost its rulers and now their son Alfred F. Jones shall take over as the new king of spades. A king is nothing without a queen though! King Alfred is facing the challenge of having to find the new queen before it's too late and some other kingdoms see their chance to attack while the kingdom of spades is weakened.

But it appears the jack of spades, Yao Wang, has already come up with a plan to help the king!

(Alfred's POV)

So much work! I hate it..... I just can't seem to get used to it! Man, it used to be so much easier when I was just a prince. I can't really complain though others would kill to be the king of spades...

I shake my head and try to focus back on the work at hand, but I'm quickly interrupted by a knock on the door. "Come in," I say with a stern voice. The door opens and reveals my jack, Yao, he closes the door behind him and walks over to my desk.

"So what's up?" I say in a rather not king like manner. "Well I've been thinking... You became king a few days ago and as new king it is your duty to have a good relationship with your people. So I thought since you also need to find your queen—" he starts explaining but is interrupted by me. " Oh don't remind me of it, just thinking about it gives me a headache!".

Yao pauses to give me a look of pity as he then clears his throat to proceed " Exactly that's why I've thought of a plan to relieve you from that problem. As I was about to say my idea was that you travel across the kingdom to introduce yourself as new king and not only that but also maybe find the new queen".

"So you're saying that I'll have to touch every person in this kingdom?" I ask with an eyebrow raised and a hint of disbelieve in my voice. "Well it is true that the mark of the queen only appears once the king touches them, but it's also said that the king will know once he just lays eyes upon the queen," Yao answers with a bit of sass in his voice.

"Alright, it might not be a bullet proof plan but it's the best we've got!" I say with enthusiasm while standing up and slamming my hands on my desk. Not only is this good for the kingdom but I also have an excuse to not do work!


(Arthur's POV)

I was walking through town...well not walking a little faster than that...so I guess speed walking? Yeah let's use that-so as I was speed walking through town, holding on tightly to my long dark green cloak to make sure to cover my face. On my way I noticed that the whole town seems to be talking about the new king and a lot of girls swooning over him.

Well you can't blame them for talking about it, I mean it's a big deal to have a new king. I wonder what he's like I've not really been interested in royalty, so I don't even know what he looks like.

As I am about to enter the forest and exit the town I bump into someone. "S-sorry," I stutter as I try to hurry away but I am stopped by the person grabbing my wrist. I flinch and try to move away since he is touching my bare skin and I really can't stand that. My attempts of escape are pointless and I look up to see my keeper. It appears to be a middle aged man, he grins when he sees my face and I give him a look of fear and disgust.

He pulls my arm and pins me to the wall of a nearby alleyway. He chuckled darkly as I try to break free from his grasp. Giving up on doing that, since he's clearly stronger, I risk talking with him. "So what exactly do you want? I told you I'm sorry I didn't mean to bump into you!" I ask slightly irritated. The longer he touches my wrists the more I feel dirty. "Just wanted to teach you a lesson kid, to better watch your step next time," he says with a hoarse dark voice. I get frightened by these words, but try not to show it.

I mentally prepare for what's to come, as the man prepares to punch me but then-

"Hey what's going on here?!" A guard shouts, thank heavens the guards are actually doing their job. The guard separates the man from me and proceeds to scold him. Which reminds me of a parent lecturing their child after they've done something bad.

The guard tells us that we get away with just a warning this time since nothing serious happened. I thank the guard and then proceed to walk towards the forest. As I enter the forest instant relief spreads throughout my body as I sit down on the grass.

Now being able to drop my strong and confident facade I begin to sob which ends up in me crying. I'm just glad nothing else happened and that the guard was on time. Still that situation reminded me of the times when the guards weren't there or were too late. It just makes me feel so helpless and weak.

As I calm down a little I make my way to a small river where I progress to scrub my wrists where the man has touched me. After those parts turned red I decided it was enough. I look into the water of the river and see my reflection. My eyes are all puffy from crying, I look so pathetic right now.

I should calm down a little more before going back to my brothers...

As I think about this I hear soft voices speak to me I look up from the river to see my fairy friends are here to cheer me up. I stay another hour or so with them but before the sun has completely set I make my way back home.

Cardverse - The story of the Spades Where stories live. Discover now