The beginning of a long journey

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Night falls and soon the sun begins to rise again. The colours red, orange and light blue fill the sky and everyone in the kingdom seems to be still asleep, peace and silence settling over the air. The birds chirping their lovely morning tunes. It does appear that someone in the kingdom has to wake up bright and early.

(Alfred's POV)
I yawn and stretch as Yao has already woken me up. You know what maybe work wasn't so bad after all... Oh well I am awake now and I need to get ready, so there is no time to pity myself. I jump up from my bed and with new found enthusiasm begin to get myself ready for the long journey.

~Time skip~

After I've gotten ready I make my way out of the palace and to the carriage where Yao appears to have been waiting for me. He explains to me which towns we'll be visiting and at which we'll be staying over night.

Of course we're starting in the town directly in front of the castle although it's very unlikely that the queen is there, but hey there's still a chance she might be there. I hope we'll find her soon not to cut the journey short or something but to also have one less thing to worry about.

(Arthur's POV)

As I wake up drenched in sweat and gasping from the nightmare I just had I notice it was all a dream, I begin to relax. As I start calming down my heavy breathing I think about what I've just dreamed about. It wasn't a normal nightmare it was a flashback of my past. I used to get bullied for having such a frail physique, they pushed me around and called me all sorts of names, but what stuck with me most was: "You're disgusting!".

Which might be the reason for me detesting other people touching me or getting close to me. It makes me feel dirty...

As I think about this I look out the window and notice that it appears to be still very early. I choose to get up despite it being early. Taking my cloak I make my way out of the house and deep into the forest to my special place. A lot of flowers grow here and noone knows about this place so I'm sure to be alone.

The flowers in this place did not grow here naturally, I practiced magic here. Although I'm of no high rank or such I do appear to possess magic abilities, which is why noone knows or can know about it.

Well maybe after all I'm not as weak as I think I am. I say this looking at my palm and then forming it to a fist a little confidence rushing through my body.

~Time skip~

(Alfred's POV)

I've only been doing this for two hours and I'm already tired of it! How am I supposed to be doing this for the next few days...well at least while I'm in the carriage travelling to the next town I have a little time off.

I lean against the side of the carriage and look out the window. When I was little I used to lay down in the grass and watch the clouds with my brother. We would always come up with silly things the clouds may look alike.

Sometimes I really miss those simple times. Don't get me wrong growing and learning new things is great but keeping stuff simple from time to time is so refreshing.

Still lost in thought I think about how things went on my first stop on this long journey. Everyone was so excited to see me and also meet me. The crowd seemed so in awe, yet I'm just a normal person like them.

Well, not completely normal I do possess magic abilities and stuff but still that doesn't change my character. I'm losing focus...

Anyways it was nice experiencing the acceptance of my people of me as new king. Though I would've been happier if I would've found my queen.

I mean I did shake almost everyone's hand, it sure felt like I did, but even if I didn't, I didn't get a special feeling in that town. I couldn't even sense a strong enough source of magic to fit the queen.

As I'm still pondering about what had happened I feel the carriage stop and Yao snapping me back reality through a little nudge in the side. I quickly get up and exit the carriage. Making my way to the middle of the town. Mentally preparing for the speech I am about to hold.

Like I said... This is going to be a long journey!


(Arthur's POV)

I don't know how much time I've spent here just doing basically nothing. I'm lying on the grass looking up towards the sky and watching the clouds. Something about this is just so calming, I can't explain how great it feels.

The wind blowing a soft breeze the sun slowly making its way to the top, but most importantly the peace and quietness of this place.

There are birds chirping and stuff but I don't really mind that. As I am lost in thoughts I start to hear loud noises coming from town.

Looks like I spoke.....well thought too soon. The town's people seem to get ready for daily business. I decide to make my way back home.

As I reach the small hut I call home I already here some shouting coming from inside of it....Oh great! Seems like my brothers just got up and are already at each others throats.

I slowly open the door as I watch a glass hit the wall beside me and shatter. I follow the direction it came from and notice that it is noone other than Alistair who threw the glass. The tall redhead appears to be arguing with Dylan while smoking a cigarette.

Alistair and Dylan are both my older brothers besides them there's also Connor who is also older than me, but he seems to be out.

Alistair is the oldest out of all of us and has a bad habit of smoking in the house, which appears to be annoying Dylan.

"Geez calm down, will ya? You were so much easier to get along with when you were just a bonny wee bairn," Alistair says trying to calm down after he noticed I have entered.

"Please just stop smoking inside the house or I'll throw away your cigarettes again!" Dylan answers trying to be as polite as possible.

"Whatever you say," Alistair says his back turned Dylan and lazily waving his hand. "That's me doon the road," he states while passing by me ruffling through my blonde hair before leaving and shutting the door behind him. Great! Now my hair is even messier than it already was...

"I'm sorry you had to witness that...Even though he is the oldest he sometimes behaves like a stubborn little child," Dylan says while sitting down on a chair in the dining room and ruffling through his short and messy strawberry blonde hair.

"It's ok! Don't worry about it, I know how he is. He's my brother too after all, but are you alright?" I ask walking over to him leaning over a chair beside him. He turns towards me and grins, "Yes I'm fine! I just got a little worked up that's all," he answers while nervously scratching the back of his neck. Standing up, he ruffles through my hair making it even more of a mess which leads to me pouting.

He chuckles and then proceeds to walk towards the door." I gotta go to the market and pick up some things for lunch. Connor and Alistair are also out so you'll be all by yourself," Dylan explains. As we make eye contact I give him a quick nod in response.

"Don't do anything dumb while we're gone!" he states smiling. I roll my eyes and cross my arms in front of my chest.

"I'm not four years old you know? Like I'm almost 18 years old at this point!" I say in a mocking tone, "Yeah, yeah I know, but you're still my little brother! I'll be off then! Bye!" he responds while waving.

"Bye!" I shout after him as he's closing the door behind him with a small thud.

Oh well, since I'm alone now. Looks like I'm going to be reading again today. I make my way upstairs.

I enter my room and quickly close the door behind me, a sigh of relief escaping my lips as I see the familiar surrounding. Walking over to my book shelf I take out a book and sit down on a chair.

Since noone in my family possesses magic abilities I bought a book about it to teach myself. Which is what I'm reading right now. I don't want myself to be weak therefore I will need to study harder, maybe even buy another book, to make sure I can defend myself.

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