Tea time

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Arthur's POV

Once we arrive in our room Alfred lets go of me and quickly shuts the door behind us. "What was that?!" I now first realize how angry he is, he's practically fuming. "I-I'm sorry Alfred, I can explain!" God that sounded like the typical drama line for when someone got caught cheating.

Still it worked and Alfred crosses his arms over his chest staring down at me. "Go on then!" On his command I begin to speak about all that happened.

"Look I didn't want that! I don't want anything from that frog. I was just so startled in the moment. He's such a pervert he's always been...I just didn't expect him to try it on me! I'm sorry if I hurt you. I really don't want anything from Francis! Thank you so much for saving me and letting me explain everything Alfred. You know I'd never be with anyone else then-" I quickly stop myself realising what I'm about to say.

Wait...was I about to confess my love. Do I really love him? I'm so confused! I don't know yet so I shouldn't get his hopes up. Beginning to cough to make a clean get away I begin talking again. "What I meant was, that you should know I'm not the type to rush things with others and all!" I blush and hide my face.

Great, I can't even see his reaction! Why did I have to let that slip? I'm sure he's onto me now. Suddenly I feel myself being surrounded and squished. When I look up I see Alfred hugging me.

"It's ok! I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at that frog for trying to steal my queen! I believe you and I trust you Arthur. I hope you know that," as he says that he pulls away and uses his left hand to brush some stray strands of mine behind my ear.

He then rests his hand on my cheek. He stares at me for a long time which starts to embarrass me ,therefore I look down in hopes of him turning his focus on something else.

He grabs my chin with the hand he rested on my cheek and moves it to make me look at him. I notice a blush on his face.

Oh no, whatever is about to come I'm not ready! I stand there frozen to the ground even though every cell in my body tells me to move.

Alfred begins to inch closer. "Arthur I-". He's interrupted by a knock on the door. "Alfred! Arthur! This is Yao. I just wanted to remind you guys to make you your way to the garden to have tea with the diamonds."

Thank you Yao! I've never liked you more than in this very moment!

Alfred lets out a sigh and takes my hand beginning to walk down the halls to the gardens. I sigh, happy that I got away.

"We're gonna continue this after! Don't you worry," Alfred exclaims. "Huh?!" I manage to respond with a dumbfounded expression. Alfred looks back at me and then chuckles before walking faster and therefore pulling harder on the arm he's holding.

"Wait! Continue wha-". He quickly turns around and puts a finger on his lips. Showing me he's probably not gonna tell me if I ask. I sigh and then continue our way in silence.

We make it to the outside, just in time the diamonds arrive as well. We all sit down me besides Alfred, across from us Lily besides Vash and Francis.

We begin to chat...well mostly Alfred and Vash. Later on some maids bring tea and biscuits for us.

~Time skip~

Alfred's POV

As we're talking about the future of the countries and how we both definitely want to keep peace it starts to get dark.

It has been mostly Vash and me talking but later on Francis decided to join in. Lily and Arthur have been quiet almost the whole time. Guess they're both introverts, well maybe Lily feels better knowing that she's not the only one, same goes for Arthur.

As I'm about to wrap things up Lily suddenly speaks up. "I-I was wondering if we could see your magic in action Arthur..." The sudden request startles Arthur. He looks at me asking for approval and I nod.

Before Arthur gets up though Lily continues. "I was told the queen's magic is the most beautiful kind of magic and because I don't own any magical capabilities myself I was really excited to find out about yours and see them in action. You don't have to show me them if you don't want to though."

Lily as shy and careful as always! She's too sweet.

"No i-its fine! I just wasn't expecting your interest. Not saying that it's weird or anything!" Arthur states getting red and then standing up. He makes his way towards the bushes. There are no flowers blooming from them, because it's not their season yet, they are late bloomers.

Arthur holds his hand over them and light erupts from it. Before we know it in the blink of an eye all the bushes around us are in full bloom. The beautiful blue flowers glistening in the light of the setting sun.

"That was beautiful! Thank you so much!" Lily exclaims smiling widely. "N-no problem..." Arthur mutters embarrassed by her excitement.

"Well that was very nice dear. We should end the get together at that since it's getting quite dark!" I suggest waiting for reactions. Francis and Lily nod. "Yes, can you assign us some guards to bring us back to our rooms?" Vash asks as serious as ever.

"Yes, let me bring you inside and talk to them!" We all make our way inside and I give the guards the order. After about three hallways later we separate and wish eachother a good night.

Arthur and me make our way to our room in complete silence. We arrive at the door and I open it for him, he enters and I follow after.

"Alfred?...," he quietly murmurs. "Yes Arthur?" I feel like a teacher giving a student permission to talk. Arthur seems serious for some reason I wonder what's bothering him.

"Does...does it ever bother you that I'm a guy? Or that I was chosen as the queen?" he asks very quietly still having his back turned towards me. "What made you question yourself again?" I reply genuinely confused.

"I mean...Lily is so nice and she seems like such a great queen with a good heart. Not only that, she's so beautiful! I feel like I took your opportunity to have someone like that as a queen. Someone you can genuinely love and who loves you just as much..." he lets out a little sob at the end.

"Arthur....look at me," I wait for him to turn around which he does. I see his watery eyes staring at me and his cheeks flushed with pink. The emerald green in his eyes sparkling more due to the tears. Now they look like real gems.

"Arthur even in this state you're in right now I feel things I have never felt and I view you like I've never viewed anyone! Sure at first I was expecting the queen to be a woman but I think you're so much better than that! There's no way you took a chance away from to get with someone better, because fate chose you as the perfect one! Fate knows what it's doing. Believe me when I tell you that I really appreciate everything about you! Please stop questioning yourself and trust me!" I exclaim and then hug him. I feel his arms slowly making their way to my back and him hugging back.

"Why do you always know what to say? How can you say things like that without a doubt? You're an idiot," I hear him say throughout sobs.

"At least I'm your idiot!"

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