The decision

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Dawn approaches the kingdom of Spades, soon enough everyone begins to wake up and do their daily duty. It was a restless full moon night for the whole kingdom.

Nobody knew though what important event happened that night and the two individuals who knew were nervous and tense. Both knew an important decision has to be made today.

Both were aware how they're choices would not only affect themselves and not only their kingdom but the entire cardverse world, thus they were scared of the outcome.

(Alfred's POV)

"I repeated this thousands of times Yao! Yes, I did find the queen and no I didn't bring him with me cause it's complicated!" I say kicking up my legs on a desk after sitting down on the chair in my room.

"Alfred, I know this is hard, but he doesn't have a choice! He needs to come with us!" Yao exclaims while walking around the room in a nervous manner.

"Chill, I'm sure he'll make the right the decision!" I try to comfort him. " I can't do that...we can't do that!", he yells at me. "Ok'll return to the forest to hear him out and what his decision is, but we'll have guards around, so if he does say no, we'll have to take him by force... I'm sorry," he tells me sitting down on the chair in front of me.

"But-," I begin. "No Alfred! This is the final choice, I'm sorry but you have no say in this," he interrupts while getting up and going to the door. "I'll go write the command I'll have you sign it later so the guards are there if needed," he states exiting my room.

"I trust you Arthur....please don't disappoint me," I say looking out the window.

~Time skip~

(Arthur's POV)

I can't believe I was able to sleep...well I guess it's my coping mechanism, I'd rather sleep than have more time to overthink things. Since Alfred and I didn't really set a place to meet in the heat of the moment, I guess he wants me to go to the forest.

I don't know...I don't really want to go with him, like I don't even know him, but on the other hand I kind of have to...

Dear god, how am I supposed to explain this to my brothers?! At this thought I ruffle through my hair.

I need to get up I can't sit in my room forever. Making my way downstairs, I can already hear all of my brothers having a conversation. It's quite rare for them to all be at home.

Entering the living room, the conversation ends and everyone's eyes are on me. "Morning," I nervously state.

"Where were you yesterday night?" Connor asks directly. "In the forest, why?" I reply trying to not get nervous.

"Arthur, we're worries about you! Since yesterday you seem off..." Dylan says stepping closer, to which I respond with stepping back on reflex.

I should tell them. My expression is now filled with sadness, since I'll miss them when I have to leave them. They are my brothers after all and if I face my fate of being the queen I won't see them as much...

"I-I discovered something yesterday..," I tell them, ready to tell the truth. "What is it? Just say it, we'll be able to take it," Alistair states, taking his cigarette out of his mouth and blowing the smoke out.

Collecting all the courage I have, I take of my glove and show them my left hand. "I met the king yesterday night," I say looking into their shocked expressions.

"That...that can't be true..," Connor states getting up from the couch walking over to me taking my hand and looking at the queens mark.

"It sadly is...and I'll have to go... I'm sorry!", I state my eyes filling with tears. "My brother is going nowhere with some king that just came along and thinks he can take anyone he wants with him!" Alistair exclaims putting out his cigarette and walking over to me, putting an arm around my shoulder.

Sometimes it shocks me how nice my brothers can be. "Yes Arthur! You need to have the choice," Dylan adds.

"Thank you...but if I don't go with him...the whole kingdom will be in danger, not only our kingdom, but every other kingdom as well," I try to explain.

"If you want to take on your position as queen, we'll support you," Dylan says patting my shoulder. "But if that king tries anything he's dead!" Conner exclaims.

I laugh at this, for the first time in forever my brothers really seem to be there for me all together.

I'll have to leave for now... I explain my brothers my plan and leave after saying goodbye. This time it was a different goodbye, it felt more... intense.

I don't like change, but I don't have any other choice...


(Alfred's POV)

I've been waiting for hours now...I hope he shows up soon. I'm sure Yao is getting impatient too, but we'll just have to wait a little longer...I believe in him.

Thinking about this I hear the rustling from the leaves and soon I see the familiar blonde coming through. He looks around and then his gaze fixes on me.

My heart skips a beat as I see him, I really have it bad for him. Staring at him with a loving expression as he comes closer, I snap back to reality as he stands right in front of me.

"So did you make your choice?" I ask bluntly. He blushes and averts his mesmerizing emerald green eyes from me. "I-I did...I will go with you, if that's what's best for the kingdom," he says looking a little sad.

I put my hand on his chin, moving it so that our eyes meet. "Trust me, I won't do anything bad to you! You won't regret your decision!" I hug him after saying that. He seems shocked and does not react.

After a moment I pull back my hands on his shoulders. "Let's get going my queen!" I say taking his hand into mine kissing it and then pulling him with me.

(No one's POV)

What Alfred didn't notice was the tears escaping Arthur's eyes as he glanced behind him one last time in the direction where his brothers would be.

Yet Arthur as well didn't notice somethings, which were the many guards having surrounded the spot in the forest, to make sure Arthur would come with Alfred either way. Now the spot in the forest was no longer secret.

Will this have consequences for the forest?

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