The castle

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Having arrived at the giant castle of the kingdom of spades, Arthur is caught in a moment of pure astonishment. The castle is huge,it's the kingdom of Spades after all, they have to live up to the standard of being the most powerful kingdom. While Arthur was caught in this moment of pure amazement, Alfred took this opportunity to grab Arthur's wrist and make him follow him.

(Alfred's POV)

"Don't worry you'll have enough time to admire the place later, but I wanna give you a tour first!" I exclaimed as I dragged him along by the wrist. He blushed probably embarrassed by the fact that I caught him in a moment.

I laugh at this and continue on with a quick tour around the castle. After a while we come to a stop. "Man, I forget how huge this thing is, it's really tiring, you know the walking," I explain.

"I agree, could we rest for a while..," he says this slightly closing his eyes and leaning his head on my shoulder. His action makes me blush. He's so tired-and cute-which is why he probably isn't realising what he's doing right now.

As I'm just taking the moment in I see someone walking towards us. It's Matthew! "Hey Matt! Come here and greet the new queen!" I shout towards him as I wave my hand. This surprises Arthur, which sadly leads to him moving his head away. Now that spot on my shoulder feels cold and lonely...

Matt makes his way towards us. "Hey Alfred and... I'm sorry what's your name? I have never seen you before...," he states while nervously scratching his neck. "Dude, I said just now! He's the new queen! Arthur!" I exclaim excited.

"Oh excuse me for my mistake! It's nice to meet you," he says while bowing. "Bro you're so last season! Anyway Arthur meet my brother! Matthew Williams!" I reply happily. "Uhm...hi... it''s very nice to meet you mister Williams," Arthur replies while also bowing.

"Please, Matt is fine!" Matt explains taken back by Arthur's use of formalities. "Ok Matt!" Arthur answers smiling at him. "Well I gotta go back to work Alfred! See you around! The queen seems nice, good luck," The last part Matthew whispers so that only I can hear.

"Shall we continue our tour?" I ask offering him my hand to lead the way. Arthur laughs. "We shall," he replies taking my hand.

(Noone's POV)

The two make their way around the castle, both of them just enjoying each others company. They grow closer as night sets. After dinner it's time for them to go to sleep. Knowing that a hard day full of work is about to approach Alfred feels uneasy. Knowing Arthur at his side he's able to relax and finally fall asleep. As the sun makes its way above the towers of the castle, Alfred is woken up by Yao.

As Yao leaves Alfred starts to get changed, trying as hard as possible not to wake Arthur while he makes his usual rants about Yao waking him up "way to early".

(Arthur's POV)

Waking up the sound of vibrations, I focus my mind on figuring out what the person is saying. "Stupid old man, making me wake up early... It's only 5am he could've let me sleep at least half an hour longer," I hear the voice mumbling. Realising now that the voice belongs to no other than Alfred.

I open my eyes and start getting ready as well. Alfred is surprised by me having woken up. "Hey, you know you don't need to work on your first day, I'll teach you in the afternoon or sometime, so you can go back to sleep," he states smiling like an idiot.

"Well it's too late now!" I reply rubbing the tiredness away from my eyes. "Oh well then at least put on the right clothes for the queen!" he exclaims opening the other half of the wardrobe revealing multiple dresses. "Alfred....I'm not wearing a dress alright," I state getting kind of scared.

What if I have to because I'm the queen? Wearing dresses for the rest of my life oh no...

"Really?" he asks giving me his teary puppy eyes stare. "I'm quite sure, yes," I answer getting a little uncomfortable.

"Just look through everything, maybe you'll find something like pants..," he states with disappointment lacing his words. That's what you get! Pervert.

I begin rummaging through the many clothes and try picking out, something that's suitable for a guy....well something that's more the norm for a guy to wear.

Finding a purple suit I feel myself getting very happy. "Oh great looks like you found something!" he says but the disappointment still obvious as he also searches for clothes to wear.

"Perv," I reply pouting and not looking his direction as I make my way to the bathroom. Although I do hear him chuckling at my reply. Getting out of the bathroom I notice Alfred waiting and already having changed.

"Looks good!" he compliments looking down to check the time on his pocket watch. "We should head to the office now!" while remarking he takes my hand and once again drags me along the castle.

Even though he's the king he really is childish. So excited about almost's kind of cute...cute? What am I saying? I shake my head clearing my thoughts and keeping my focus on what Alfred is telling me.

"It's so adorable, that you wanna help me!" while stating it he turns around and gives me a smile. He quickly continues. We reach his office in no time.

Having no sense of where what is and how to even get back I just go along with him. Opening the door he makes room for me to go through first.

Going in I'm greeted by a total mess of a work place. "I-Is this where you work?" I ask anxiety evident in my voice. "Yeah dude! Don't be shy look around!"

Making my way to the desk I look through the files. After having read a few I think I kinda get the picture what his work is. It's basically sorting out problems of the kingdoms, solution ideas, requests, etc.

"Alfred? Have you ever thought about sorting these? It might be easier if you do," I question making eye contact. "Yeah but it's soooo much work!" he replies.

"Can I do it?" I ask my eyes sparkling in excitement. "Sure knock yourself out! I gotta go to Yao now! Gotta pick up some new documents," he explains making his way out of the door.

I go directly to work with sorting out the documents. Feeling better because I'm able to be helpful.

~time skip~

(Alfred's POV)

Making my way back to my office, I'm found in shock. Arthur is sitting on my desk chair all the files sorted on the table and the table even being cleaned of any filth.

"Well thank you! You sure seem like a workaholic! I think in the end I don't need to teach you. I think you need to teach me!" I remark which makes us both chuckle.

Putting down the files on the table I get to work with Arthur by my side. We finish in no time and we take a tour in the gardens of the palace as night sets.

Due to Arthur appearing very tired I cut the tour short and we make our way back to the room. Of course I had to promise him to continue the tour some other time.

He really is peculiar, isn't he? That's what I like about him! Thinking about him I begin to drift off to sleep.

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