Royal life

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Arthur and Alfred were on their long way back to the kingdom. Yao decided it would be best to leave the two alone for now in hopes they would bond. Alfred sitting on the opposite side of Arthur, his back facing the horses and coachman.

Arthur staring out the window looking at the setting sun and Alfred staring at Arthur. Once Arthur feels uneasy and decides to turn his gaze to Alfred, Alfred responds by quickly turning his head as if he wasn't staring. Yet the blush on his cheeks was a dead giveaway.

(Arthur's POV)

I'm so nervous...Time is going by so slow and I can't stand this silence between us. I just don't know what to say to him and he obviously doesn't know as well.

I don't even know what my relationship to him is anymore. Thinking about this I sigh and instantly regret having done so.

"Everything alright?" the king asks. "I'm quite alright," I answer trying to come of a little more high end. "What's with the accent?!" He asks bursting out laughing.

I blush and respond "I'm sorry, alright! It's just hard getting accustomed to this situation." I already miss my brothers...sure we fought a lot, but still, they kept me from feeling lonely.

"Arthur....Look I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make fun of you," he says with a gentle smile making direct eye contact while holding both of my hands. I didn't even notice him taking my hands.

I turn my head to the window hiding my blush. "I guess I'm nervous and therefore overreacted...I'm sorry as well... It's just I'll miss a lot of things and with being the queen and all...I just don't think I'm the person meant for this. Well, I don't think I'm even close to being a person worthy enough to be the queen!" I state on the verge of tears.

I feel Alfred's eyes on me, as I slowly start to lose control over my tears and they start to make their way down my cheeks. "God I'm such a crybaby. Just ignore me please," I say taking my hands from his to wipe away my tears, still not looking at him.

"Arthur..Don't say stuff like that!" He reasons. "How can I not when we both know it's true!" I respond moving my head and making direct eye contact. I must look so pathetic...I bet he's upset that someone like me gets to be queen.

Suddenly, Alfred grabs my shoulders and puts his forehead to mine. "I will tell you this as often as you wish. You're gonna be a great queen and don't put yourself down like that!" he basically scolds me.

Still taken by the moment I just stare at him with wide eyes and tears still rolling down my cheeks.

Abruptly the carriage comes to halt which sends us flying to the side I was sitting on. Alfred basically pining me to the wall by my shoulders. I wince in pain and close my eyes. As I open them I see Alfred right in front of me, but for some reason he's not moving away.

He looks me in the eyes, then at something below....Is there something on my face? Then he starts leaning in, but the door is quickly opened which shocks him and he stops.

After a second of realization he quickly gets off of me and clears his throat with a blush forming on his face and mumbles a small "sorry", before going out.

I follow after him and am offered a hand by another male. He has long brown hair and is dressed almost as extravagantly as Alfred.

I softly take his hand, as he helps me out of the carriage and bows. I'm startled by this and unsure on what to do next. Alfred notices and chuckles a bit, but comes to my aid.... well I'm not sure if could call it aid.

He puts an arm around my waist and leads me on, which honestly startles and confuses me just as much..."The man who helped you out of the carriage is called Yao, he's the jack," he explains.

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