Love at first sight

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As night begins to set on the kingdom, Arthur remains in the forest while Alfred is still running around the streets seeking the feeling of the powerful aura that he felt before.

Not being able to find in the middle of town like earlier he decides to search in all of the town. Already losing hope that he wouldn't find it again he begins to feel something as he approaches the forest. He decides to give it a shot and enters the forest, searching for the source of the aura.

(Arthur's POV)

As I'm about to fall asleep, my fairy friends begin to talk to me again. "Hey! Don't fall asleep on us! We called you here for a reason!" they exclaim. "And that is?" I question sitting up and facing them.

"There seems to be another magician in town and we were worried, they might enter the forest and attack us," they answer. "But why would you call me here then? You know that I'm not able to use any kind of magic to defend you or myself," I explain to them with a worried expression.

"We know but we just feel safer when you're around..," they reply looking down and avoiding eye contact. "Oh well I'm already here, so I might as well stay here," I say scratching the back of my neck in a nervous manner.

They cheer and thank me as I sit down with them. As they begin playing and talking with eachother like usual, I move myself, so that I can sit up against a tree.

Trying to stay awake, I look up at the sky, which is clear and colourful tonight. You can see all the stars. They are beautiful! I've always loved watching the sky, it's just so intriguing!

It's amazing if you think about it, there may be millions of alternative universes out there, of which we might not know about or which might seem completely weird to us.

Even though I've not had the best life I'm still happy to be in this universe, because that means I got the opportunity to get to know the people that are only in this universe. For example my brothers, although we might not always get along, I still love them and they are my family.

As I'm pondering about all of this, I'm brought back to reality by a sound coming from the bushes. Standing up, I see my magical friends hide, leaving me and whatever it is inside of the bushes alone.

How could anything or anyone find this place? The forest is so confusing and it's so well hidden, noone besides me has even come close to this place before.

I feel fear rushing through my body as the noise coming from the bushes gets louder and louder. Thinking about running away or anything I can do I am frozen in place and unable to move. The fear of what's about to come consuming me.

During the time I'm procrastinating about what to do. I'm finally able to make out what is in the bushes it seems to be a man, roughly my age with blonde hair and deep blue eyes, dressed rather casually.

(Alfred's POV)

Getting closer to the source of aura, I end up in a sort of dead end, nothing but bushes in front of me. Whatever the aura is coming from is behind the bushes I'm sure of it.

Rolling up my sleeves I begin to make my way through the bushes, it's pretty annoying with all the leaves hitting my face, but I eventually make it through.

As I arrive in a clearing I look around myself, suddenly making eye contact with a emerald green eyed guy around my age. He's wearing a green cloak, tan pants, a white shirt, some gloves, combat boots and has blonde hair. He seems to be rather scared of me.

Beginning to approach him he starts to back away. I stop, to be honest I never thought of what to do if I got this far...Oh well, here goes nothing.

"Hello there! My name's Alfred it's nice to meet you! What's your name?" I say smiling and extending my hand as he just looks confused. Great Alfred, not awkward at all.

He doesn't seem to know me as king obviously, so there is no need to scare him away with that fact. " name's...a-arthur..," he says avoiding eye contact and not shaking my hand in response.

"If you don't mind me asking, what exactly are you doing in the middle of the forest?" Smooth Alfred just keep the conversation going for now, he might be the queen but you can't just shock him with all these facts he might run away.

"I could ask you the same question!" he answers with a pout making eye contact. Oh well, that was kinda cute... Still it's hard to have a normal conversation in this kind of situation.

"Fair enough. Still I'm rather curious about you, do you possess magic abilities by any chance?" I ask stepping closer with a serious expression as he backs away with a shocked expression tripping over something.

"I'm sorry about that," I apologize while crouching down to his level. "Well Arthur, you don't seem like a normal person, so that's why I asked and by your response I guess you do have magic abilities..," I say making direct eye contact to confirm my suspicion, which proves to be right by the sort of shocked and scared expression he's making.

"And what of it? Even if I had magic abilities why would a stranger like you care?" he questions looking away blushing a little. " I was just wondering, you know I possess magic abilities myself!" I exclaim grinning trying to somehow get closer to him by keeping up a conversation.

"Really?! What kind of abilities do you possess?" He asks with eyes sparkling of curiosity. I blush a little and turn away. Getting up I sit down beside him. "Oh wow no fair! I'll only answer your questions, if you start answering mine," I reply with a cheeky grin.

"Ugh..Fine! I'll answer your stupid questions if you answer mine!" He says folding his arms and turning his head to the other side.

After this we begin to talk and I slowly get to know Arthur. Telling him that I possess the magic to defend others and fight, he explains that his abilities are limited to helping others. He also talks about how jealous he is of my powers and how he'd love to have that kind of abilities.

When I question him on why he would trade his magic abilities for mine, he goes quiet and says he doesn't wanna talk about. While chatting the thought of finding out if he might be the queen still hasn't left my mind.

"So Arthur... I know this may sound weird, considering we've not known eachother for a long time, but I wanted to ask if I could touch your hand, like directly," I request scratching my head nervously.

"Why?" he questions with a blank expression. "I just wanna see something...", I take his gloved hand into mine and ask making direct eye contact "Do you trust me?". Blushing at my action, he begins thinking for a little before answering " I.... I think I might.".

For a moment I feel a connection between us as we stare at each other, both a little blushing. Even if he doesn't turn out to be the queen I think I might have fallen in love. And that with a boy, who would've thought.

Gender never really mattered to me anyways, I always imagined a situation where I would feel an instant connection with someone. I wish this moment could last forever, but even though I'm now scared to find out the truth I'm also way to curious to not try it.

He takes his hand away from mine-which now feel empty and cold-and begins to take of his glove. Having taken it off, I once again make eye contact, sea blue meeting emerald green, I try asking for approval through looking at his hand and then once again his eyes, he understands and slowly nods.

Taking his hands into mine and kissing the top of it, light erupts and fills the whole forest. I'm momentarily blinded but when Arthur and I come back to senses, I see the symbol of the queen having engraved itself on the top of his left hand.

He looks very confused, shocked and scared, while I just smile at him.

"I finally found you my queen!"

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