The diamonds

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It wasn't a usual morning, but to be honest which morning was normal. Ever since the discovery of the new queen every day is a new adventure. Today though it wasn't only that but also the royals of diamonds visiting which was a little out of the ordinary.

They wanted to meet the new queen and considering they are already visiting it shouldn't take long for the other kingdoms to follow in their footsteps.

Arthur and Alfred make their way to the entrance hall where they would sit as they wait to greet their guests.

(Alfred's POV)

"So since you are the queen you sit to my left and Yao as my jack will stand by my right," I said as I sat down, Arthur soon copying and doing the same. I wanted to strike a conversation but just as I was about to the doors open and the jack of diamonds announces their presence.

Soon enough the king and queen make their way in. I heard that the jack is very mad, that his sister is the queen. He obviously doesn't really like the king but seems to just let it happen as long as he doesn't disrespect his sister.

Well I guess it's true that the royals don't have to be in a relationship...I kinda still want one. I don't wanna end up like Francis, the king of diamonds, and be a complete flirt.

I wanna settle down with one person and yet it would feel wrong if it's not the queen. As I think about this I make my way down to greet them properly, Arthur following me and imitating my every move.

He starts to introduce himself. "Welcome your highnesses! My name is Arthur Kirkland and I have been chosen as new queen of Spades, I hope that we can get along so that peace may remain between the kingdoms," he states while bowing. Look at him being all proper!

Francis takes his hand kissing the top of it and bowing "It's a pleasure to meet you! My name is Francis Bonnefoy, I do believe we will get a along nicely." Eww, what a flirt! Get your dirty hands of my man!

"M-my name is Lilly Zwingli! It's nice to meet you," says a really shy queen, as she gently shakes Arthur's hand. "Vash Zwingli! I'm the jack of diamonds and brother of the queen," he states in his usual monotone voice. Wouldn't expect any less from him. He's a hard worker though and even though he may not seem like it he really cares about his little sister.

"Well since that is done! I will show you to your rooms and after we can drink some tea in the garden," I explain as I motion them to follow me," So I guess Francis and Lilly, you won't be sleeping together?"

"She'll sleep with me," Vash says in a stern tone. We make our way to the rooms that we prepared. On the way I strike up a conversation with Vash and his sister and surprisingly it goes pretty well. We talk about all sorts of stuff, Vash even begins to tell some stories.

(Arthur's POV)

Man, this is gonna be a really long walk. The usual, huh? I'm still not used to buildings being this big. Alfred is having a blast conversing with the jack and queen of diamonds. It makes me happy, he is such a dork.

Francis, who I have not noticed walking right next to me, catches my attention through clearing his throat. "So mon ami, how is being queen of spades? Would you say you are happy with Alfred?" he questions. Honestly this guy is giving me the creeps, even though from the moment he walked in I recognize him.

When we were very little we used to play with eachother, but since my dad died I haven't been to the kingdom of diamonds, therefore we kind of lost contact. "Ah it's nothing like that! At least not yet... Honestly I'm still getting used to all of this, how about you?" He looks perplexed at my question.

"Well I've been king for quite some time now..," he begins and scratches his neck in a nervous manner. Oh no, I'm so stupid. Why did I ask that? "Honestly though, it's been very lonely, considering my queen and I don't have a relationship. What about you? Have you missed me?" he asks getting awfully close.

"I haven't really thought about those kinds of things. I do miss my brothers though," I state truthfully. Please tell me that we are close to the rooms, I don't want to continue this conversation. Alfred please notice my distress!

"Well if you ever happen to feel lonely–," he puts an arm around my waist and pulls me closer."Just know that your friend is here for you," he whispers the second part of the sentence in my ear. I blush and immediately pull away trying to be as polite as possible about it.

"Thank you for your concern and your friendliness, still I do have to decline," I say backing away. He smirks at my blushing self and is about to say something but he gets interrupted by Alfred.

"Ok! So the right room will be for Francis and the left one is for Lilly and Vash," he states while pointing to the doors. I guess they have to be really close, I didn't notice till now that he has been addressing them by their first name this whole time.

"So tea will be ready in about half an hour if that's alright with you," he says once again smiling like a dork. "C-could we make it an hour? After that long ride I wanna freshen up a little," Lilly states very quietly, yet is still heard by Alfred.

"Of course! No problem, an hour it is then! I'll have some guards come and pick you up," he exclaims before we all part.

Alfred and I walk together, not really sure where to go in the meantime. "So do you know Francis?" he questions. "Well, kind of, we were childhood friends, that was years ago though," I reply looking up in thought.

"He sure likes to get close to people..," Alfred mumbles under his breath. "You saw?! Why didn't you help me?" I ask feeling betrayed. "Didn't know you were a damsel in distress. I thought you could handle yourself. But I'll let you be the damsel if you want to," he says this getting closer and putting an arm around me.

Scoffing and pushing him away I make my way to our room to freshen up, as well as get a break from him.

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