A strange aura

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As dawn approaches the kingdom of spades everything seems peaceful and quiet. The whole kingdom besides the guards seems to be asleep, but yet again one person seems to be haunted by nightmares and therefore unable to fall asleep.

(Alfred's POV)

God this being king thing is stressing me out. I won't have to get up for like another two hours, but I just can't sleep.

If I don't meet the queen today it will take weeks to find her, oh well maybe him.... whatever... I just hope they are a nice person.

Well, they must be! Only a worthy person gets chosen to be queen. It's fate!

I'm so confused on how to feel! I think this as I lay back down on my bed spreading my arms wide as I lay on my back staring at the ceiling. It's quite a cosy hotel we're staying at...I like it, it feels like I'm just a simple person and no king as if I'm just....I don't know a farmer.

Turning to my side I close my eyes and try falling asleep but a hundred thoughts and worries are keeping me awake. It's gonna be fine, I mean the odds are still in my favour. It's very unlikely that we've missed the queen, I just have to keep reminding myself of it.

~Time skip~

In the end I did fall asleep again, but was shortly awakened by my jack. I went to the carriage while he was taking care of all the paperwork in the hotel.

I see him walking out of the hotel with an excited expression. "You seem to be in a good mood today!" I exclaim as he enters the carriage. "Of course I am! I mean we're gonna find the queen today. Aren't you excited?" he asks as I feel the carriage start to move. "Well I do hope we find her!" I answer smiling.

After the little conversation, silence takes over, but it's a comfortable silence. Yao did cheer me up, he seems so certain that we're gonna find the queen.

I look out the window to see that we're almost inside of the new town. Maybe this is it! I gotta stay positive, noone wants a negative king.


(Arthur's POV)

I wake up to the morning sun shining directly into my face. Opening my eyes I am immediately blinded....well that was a bad idea. Groaning I sit up on the bed rubbing my eyes.

Well at least I didn't have any nightmares this time, so that's a good thing. Getting out of bed I begin to change. Wearing the usual clothing, some light brown pants with a white shirt.

Going into the bathroom I start my usual morning routine, but am quickly interrupted by my brother...Connor.

Connor has dark reddish brown hair and green eyes just like me and just like Alistair he loves to annoy me. This morning he seems to tired to do so though.

He passes by me yawning and ruffling my hair...I seriously don't know when this became a thing with my brothers, but oh well it's not horrible. I can always fix my hair afterwards.

My thoughts are interrupted by Connor asking "Morning....What's with the gloves?". Oh...I forgot about those. Quick, I can do this, just a simple quick lie.

"I was cleaning my room earlier and you know sometimes stuff is just really dirty and you don't wanna touch it directly" I reason trying to sound believable. "Sure," he grunts not really seeming like he cares all too much.

I leave him alone in the bathroom doing whatever it is he does and making my way downstairs. Where I hear Dylan and Alistair already at it shouting at each other.

"What's the matter guys?" I question putting a stop to their argument, at least for now. "Nothing, it's just mister I-am-the-oldest forgot to tell me that he has to do something today, but at the same time he has agreed to pick something up for me today!" Dylan tells me while glaring at Alistair.

"I told you it's fine I'll just pick your package up tomorrow or you can go yourself!" Alister replies annoyed. "That's the thing I can't do it that's why I asked you to do it and tomorrow it's closed!" Dylan shouts back.

Oh we're gonna get nowhere like this. Even though I really don't want to go in town, I don't want my brothers arguing over something like this either.

"Can't I go pick it up? I'm free..," I say yet again interrupting their argument. "You would?! Arthur thank you so much, it's really important!" Dylan exclaims gleefully.

He proceeds to inform me where I have to get it and tells me that the shop doesn't open till late afternoon so I would have plenty of time to get there. I can't believe I agreed to this... Alistair owes me, that's for sure.

~Time skip~

Once again I am walking through the town, making sure to stay away from any kind of alleyways and other people in general. Today seems to be a big fuss, everything is so crowded. Okay correction Alistair and Dylan owe me!

"Is it true? Is it true that the king is coming to our town?!" a female voice questions. "I heard he is super handsome!" another female says. "I think I see him coming!" a man exclaims.

I would love to stay longer and see the king, but I don't have any time to spare right now.

(Alfred's POV)

This is it! The last town...the queen has to be here! I get out of the carriage. A big crowd surrounding me, I make my way through the crowd with the help of some guards, as I prepare to hold my speech.

As I'm about to start, I suddenly feel a wave of power, it's not harmful or anything I'm just sensing some strong magic coming from someone in the crowd, but it seems to fade.

This is the first time I've felt this, it has to be from the queen! If we don't find them till tonight, I'll just go searching for them at night....ok that does sound creppy...

Bringing my focus back to the speech I am about to hold I am overly excited that I'll find the queen soon...

~Time skip~

(Arthur's POV)

I wish Dylan had told me how heavy the package would be, he should know that I am not the strongest. Oh well...I guess this is a workout. I reach the middle of town just to see that the crowd has not decreased.

Still yet I don't care enough to see the king and I also have to focus on getting the package home.

(Alfred's POV)

I'm almost done with shaking all of the townspeople's hands as I once again feel that aura and it again seems to fade. Wanting to run after it, I can't since I'm the king and there would be a crowd with me anywhere I'd go. I'll just have to finish this and come back dressed more casual so that noone recognises me.

I finish with my task and say farewell to my people. As we make our way to the hotel, I tell Yao all about my plan and to my surprise he agrees to it.

Dressing in a white shirt and some dark brown pants with combat boots as well as a light brown cloak to hide my identity I make my way back in town to find the source of magic. By now the sun is about to set.

(Arthur's POV)

I can't believe I've made it back home with this package! I drop it on the table and sit down on a chair. I am exhausted!

Yet it's still not my time to rest as I see my fairy friends approaching me. Asking me why I haven't visited them the past few days. I tell them that I was reading some books and kind of forgot about the time. Not being happy with my answer they keep wanting me to visit now.

"Why do you want me to visit the forest so badly? I mean we saw eachother just now, didn't we? I swear I'll go there bright and early tomorrow!" I suggest. "Nooo! Arthur we want to spend time with you now, also the plants are living through your magic, you need to take care of them!" they reply. "Fine, fine! I'll go with you!" I give in since I'm too tired to win an argument against them.

Walking into the forest I'm greeted by a lot of other spirits. Don't get me wrong I am happy to see them, I'm just tired. Lying down on the ground I watch as the sun sets. It's quite magical!

As I think about this I soon after turn my attention to the flowers. They seem fine, there is nothing wrong with them, oh well I guess they just missed my presence...

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