Chapitre sans titre 3

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Such a challenging thing to do, to be.

I decided that personal work and corporate work and being a daughter or a sister, or cousin, need to be three separate thing. In different spaces. This is the only way I found to not intoxicate the already weak family relationship I, we entertain. So the scenarios where you in your side of the house dealing with your stuff, is something that kills relationship when there is no gathering moment scheduled as a routine. So my personal work is done in a coffee shop, my corporate work at work. And then there is being a daughter, a cousin. Sharing the same space and listening to there stories, the anecdote, or just listening to their voice what they are saying dosent matter, only their presence, even if i do care. Being childish with the mother, teasing and randomly annoy your cousins. This is how all was supposed to go.

But how to you do in a house where everyone arrives at a different time ?

If you put effort into seing a picture, but no one else try to see the picture, there is not a chance that you will be able to  reach the image you are craving. This is a team thing, not a one or two member thing. Everybody need to add their ingredient, to make the whole, the family time tasty. It is okay to have down moment, there are other family members to hold on good vibe. 

Such a challenging thing this housing, household. It is important to identify as a team. Are we ? How of a team are we ? How are meeting the qualities of a team ?

Now my concerns, will not die. They will remain in the hands of the 13years old me.

Since I am falling asleep, you will get other part of this journey, the next day.

In a world, mood and environment of change, you need the whole team to be involved in order to see progress to bloom. 

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