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After closing the door he faced you, his eyes searched your own "why was he here?" 

"I don't know...I came downstairs with the kids and he was here" you walked back into the dining area you held your hands out pointing to the table with finished tea.

He took a step forward "why. was. he. here." The grittiness of his voice made your skin crawl. "I said I don't know" you looked him dead in the eyes, your hands hidden behind you as it trembled.

The floorboards creaked as he walked around you saying nothing just observing your body language.

Oba had taken the kids upstairs closing the double doors to the dining area behind her.

Now it was just you and Shinji.

"You call him Beni, why?" Shinji's footsteps halted

"That's his name is it not?" Your eyebrow raised

"Heh...usually people are called by their full name unless they have a close relationship. Thus granting the use of a nickname. How close are the two of you (YN)?"

"We're friends...We-We work together occasionally. I'm apart of fireforce company 8 what do you expect" You watched as he focused on the floor beneath him "It was a bit odd to me as I walked in seeing him standing that close to you...but fine. I trust your word" he pressed his lips together into a smile.

"Come 'ere" he holds you against his chest planting a kiss on your forehead "forget I even said anything"

You stared blankly across the room, You knew he was calculating In his head some sort of way to prove whatever he was thinking.

The thing is something did happen...

You pictured the moment yesterday when your lips were a breath away from Beni's ...the bad part is even if you could change what happened you wouldn't. You now viewed Benimaru differently

You weren't sure if this was a good or bad thing.

'She has a boyfriend?' His face plastered all over my thoughts 'Since when?' I couldn't recall her mentioning anything. I closed the station door behind me "Benimaru where have you been!" everyone faced me "I went to get some fresh air" "it's been half an hour" Konro folded his arms "it's okay Konro he's here now let's continue the training session" Obi intervened. With Konro behind me, we all walked up to the roof.

"We need to have a chat" the taller man whispered from behind me. I sighed

After training with Shrina Konro pulled me into his room.

"Don't get involved with (YN)" he spoke harshly "What?!" I stepped away from him "I know you went to the orphanage and you wouldn't just go there for the sake of it" there wasn't any point in denying it. "I like (YN) like really like her..." I watched Konro rub his temple "Shit... I was actually hoping this was a lust thing" he tapped his foot "Alright well..you can't be with her" he gave an empathic shrug. "And why not?" "Because" "Because what?" "Your too important Beni-" "and (YN) is what? disposable?" "No!- listen, you have a target on your back, and the moment they find out you're with her she's a target too. Right now (YN) is safer being a sister without risk of being marked by your enemies"

He wasn't wrong "It doesn't matter anyway she has a boyfriend" "sorry Beni, you know there's plenty of other-" "save it" there wasn't any other girl I wanted " we have 2 days before we leave make the most of it" and I intended too, just spending time with (YN) was good enough for me.

The door to the room opened again and there stood (YN) "there you are Beni"

"I'll leave you two alone" Konro gave a small smile before leaving. (YN) strolled over to me "It was pretty awkward earlier with Shinji" she let out an airy laugh her fingers traced my yukata top. "I shouldn't have shown up unannounced," I told her suppressing the urge to hold her. "How about..." she hesitated "yeah" my hand moved on its own caressing the side of her face. "come with me tomorrow, Shinji won't be there- Not in that way!" she held her arms up "I get what you mean" well have alone time "Shinji thinks something's going on between us" "is there?" I ask. "Beni..." she backed away and I followed "You can be honest" (YN)'s back touched the wall. "I'm not sure" she spoke "When we're close like this" placing my hand on her waist. Her cheeks a deep shade of red as she closes her eyes. "Does your heart race? does your skin tingle with anticipation when I touch you?"

I lowered my lips to her ear. her breath wavered "how about when I call your name? (YN)" pressing lightly against her supple skin "(YN)" I trailed down her neck "Ah Beni" she held onto me, her voice music to my ears.

"(YN)" I cupped her ass as I sucked on her neck kissing it every now and then. "Beni (YN) come for Dinner" Konro knocked on the door.

I cursed under my breath "Let's go" we both walked out "Sit here (YN)" Maki held the spot next to her. "(YN)! did Shinji do that?!" she smirked pointing at the marks I left behind, I couldn't help but smirk. she glanced at me "Yeah" embarrassment all over her face.

"Did you?" Konro whispered



A/N: Sorry for the long wait!😔 I'll start working on the next one right away😊 thank you for reading.❤️

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