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After getting my self together I set out to find (YN) she had rejoined with everyone else.
The room was filled with laughter as they talked amongst each other.

Although it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders now that (YN) knew how I felt about her. I could sense she was avoiding me. I felt like an idiot 'I should've known this would happen' it wasn't like I was the most talkative or polite guy...someone that she would want.

I need to apologise.

I didn't want our friendship to be ruined and so I waited until the right opportunity came along. By the time nightfall came, I still wasn't able to approach her. I decided it would have to wait till tomorrow. Maki showed us to our rooms Konro and I each had our own.

In the morning the smell of breakfast washed through the halls. After getting ready I sat down with everyone for breakfast expect (YN) she wasn't here. "Is (YN) still sleeping?" Konro asked from across the table I secretly thanked him "oh (YN) visits the orphanage every morning she'll be back later" Iris responded.

Now I understand why she wasn't here when I arrived yesterday. But it also gave me a way to talk to her away from everyone else. "Is it close by?" I asked "it's just down the street, we all go there sometimes" Maki buttered her toast "you can't miss it, it has a big orphanage sign on it"
I noticed Konro raising his brow sat me.

After breakfast, I slipped out of the cathedral after several minutes of walking I came across a small house with 'Oba's orphanage' plastered on it. It had an old exterior that had wild vines growing on it. I knocked twice and was greeted by a small old lady.

"Welcome! Come in!" She greeted me with a smile. I walked through, the squeaking of the floorboards could be heard. She brought me into a large Kitchen-dining area. "You sit here and ill bring you some tea" she pulled the chair out for me. The dining table was long enough for more than 10 people. 'She must house a lot of children' I thought.
There were toys laid about however my ears picked up a sound; a woman's voice 'has to be (YN)' the voice got closer and footsteps followed behind it.
She was singing. It was light and soft.

🎶' Let... me.. hear the sound of your heartbeat on my toes, Let me touch my ear on your chest. It rains cats and dogs. I'm a little soaking mouse, here wet with a blanket of rain and I dream of you~' 🎶

The footsteps made it way downstairs into the kitchen. I watched as she spun around with the 3 children behind her. They all sang along with her.

(YN) wasn't in her uniform and her hair packed away in a ponytail. She wore a strappy dress that reached just below her knees. She looked stunning.

The older lady placed the tea in front of me.

"You sound amazing" I spoke
"Beni!" She jumped "you two are aquatinted?" The older lady asked. "Yes he's apart of fire force company 7" she spoke
"I'm Nariko but everyone calls me Obasan (grandmother)" she bowed before me. I introduced my self back.

"Beni what are you doing here?" She pulled me aside "I came to speak with you..." (YN) looked over at the large clock on the wall. "Okay be quick"
"Well- I wanted to apologise for yesterday I shouldn't have tried to kiss you-" the sound of the front door opening seemed to worry (YN) she squeezed my arm "I don't want things to be awkward between us" I told her
"I wasn't expecting you to do that but I'm not mad about it, list-" "your not!" I cut in

"(YN)!" A cheer could be heard from behind me. A tall man smiled ear to ear as he called for (YN). "How are you?" he spoke, (YN) strolled over to him. "I'm better"
"That's good to hear my love" he engulfed her in a hug before meeting with her lips.

'She had a boyfriend?'

I swear I could feel my heart break in two.

"Beni this is my boyfriend Shinji"
"Beni as in Benimaru? Wow! Much respect to you! You firefighters are brave!" He held his hand out.
I shook it. Shinji had short blonde locks with brown orbs. After having small talk with Shinji I sat back down finishing my tea

"I thought I told you not to wear this dress " Shinji spoke in a stern tone as he whispered to (YN)
"I like this dress-"
"But I know what's best for you" I watched closely wanting to intervene. "Ahem- Beni are you here to adopt any children?" The blonde man asked "no-"
"Then may I suggest you leave, no offense but I have some parents coming soon so if you don't mind" he walked with me to the door "see you back at the station Beni" (YN) stood behind Shinji shyly.

"Later" I walked out

A/N: that song 'fish In the pool' is from the Japanese movie called The Case of Hana & Alice
If you want to know what it sounds like: https://youtu.be/nVLN3VH6mHY ✨✨ I love that movie 🌝

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