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"I heard (YN)'s back" Maki came strolling into station 8 with a mischievous grin "Ohh you just missed her, she's gone to the orphanage before she leaves for good" Shinra spoke, "what do you mean for good?!" The smirk on her face stripped right off.

"She's moving in with Beni" Iris walked into the room. "They're together now didn't you know?" She asked "Y-yeah I did but aren't they moving too fast they just-" "they're not, they're exactly where they need to be" Iris was now in front of Maki "is there a problem Maki?" Maki stared at her, eyes wide. "No, I'm happy for them" she was fuming inside. 

"Good" Iris gave a sweet smile "wouldn't want you to do something you'll regret" the blonde whispered in her ear. The venom in her voice troubled Maki.

"Well..Iris, I think I'll pay (YN) a visit at the orphanage" Maki winked.

"(YN)!" Okita came running towards you his eyes watering. "Hi..Okita" you hugged him tightly, "we thought you were dead" your heart dropped "I'm so sorry Okita" "(YN)!!" Obasan almost dropped the glass in her hand. "We thought we lost you and they wouldn't tell us anything! I'm so glad your okay" she cried You hugged them both "I have something to tell you.." you took a deep breath"What is it?" "Beni took really good care of me and we've grown closer-" "I could tell he really liked you.. I'm glad you two are together" she rubbed your shoulder "that's great you approved because...I'm going to move in with him" silence filled the room "Okita go play with the others" before he followed Obasan's orders he held on to you "don't leave again (YN)..." he wiped his eyes "I have to Okita-" "Can I come with you?" You didn't know how to respond. "Okita" Obasan spoke "go and play"

His head lowered and walked off to the others "don't give me that look (YN) you can't take him with you...besides it looks like you'll be expecting one soon" her eyes watching your hand on your stomach. You hadn't even noticed. "Your pregnant?" Her eyebrows raised, you shook your head yes "(YN) you're not even married yet- you and Beni just got together and he being who he is, will he be around to help?"

"I know, please don't be mad, I haven't told him yet but I will. I thought you would at least be more supportive" you told her "I'm not angry (YN) I'm trying to make sure you'll have the help you need, I'll always be here for you. I'm sure it will all work out. As for Okita make sure you come and visit him" "I promise I will" you hugged her "I'm going to grab a few things from my room" Obasan held onto your arm "Shinji-"

"(YN)?" I knew I heard your voice" you could hear him behind you. He stood on the steps."What the fuck are you doing here?!" "I own this place, come let's talk upstairs" you followed him. As soon as you got into your room your hand collided with his face "you almost killed me!" He held his jaw "(YN) I'm truly sorry for how I acted...I was jealous and stupid" he took a step closer "I'm sorry (YN)" he held your arm, eyes locked on yours "I searched for you, it was like you fell off the map. If you knew the torment I was going through thinking I-I killed you." His thumb caressed your cheek. "I was foolish for what I did.. please believe me when I say I love you (YN)" he tilted your head up, his lips brushing against yours "if you'll let me... I want to marry you (YN)" you couldn't move, think, talk. "He has right where he wanted you. He pressed slowly against you, soft lips touched your own.

Meanwhile downstairs Maki arrived "(YN) is upstairs she can't talk right now" "It's important... it will only take 5 minutes" she made her way up anyway. She heard your voices from your room and listened but when she peeked through seeing Shinji kissing you, a million different plans ran through her mind so she decided to take a photo. She happily went back down "I see (YN) is busy, I'll catch her later, I have to make a visit to a mutual friend first" she left. 

"Shinji stop" you pushed him off "why?" "Because I'm not in love with you" "We can work things out and get back to where we used to-" "No Shinji we can't" "Yes, we can if you'll just let me-" "I'm pregnant Shinji" 


"All the more reason for us to get married" he searched your eyes "Shinji...you and I both kn-" "Don't you dare say your pregnant by that fucking-" he took several deep breaths "You disgust me" Shinji walked out slamming the door behind him. You knew what he thinks shouldn't bother you but it hurt. 

A/N: Heyy❤️ ;)

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