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The sheets covered your body as the both of you entwined underneath it. "It's been a week have you thought about what I said?" Beni traced your jawline with his finger.  "I have and...I will stay here with you but, let me visit the orphanage one last time" your lips hovered over his "as you wish" he pulled you closer to him "shall we one last time before I leave?" Tenderly placing your lips on his.
"Certainly" he kissed back.

As the morning sky trickled into the room you felt the absence of Beni. "Beni?" Your hand touching the space beside you "I'm here (YN)" he walked in putting his shirt on although you rather it be off. "If you keep eyeing me like that I'll have to remind you what happened last night" he came closer to you "I wouldn't mind that" you took his lips into your own. He stopped midway "there's something I want to ask you" he sat on the bed

"Ask away"
"Your a sister yet? When we...laid together the first time you were not-"
"A virgin" you raised your brows "I lost my virginity at 17 before I was a sister. Let's just say Shinji's family did not approve of our relationship as I was an orphan. When they found out we were intimate they sent me away, there's a lot you can do when you have money and influence. After I left the cathedral I went back to the orphanage and Shinji and I rekindled"

"Do you even want to be sister?" He asked
"Then why are you still?"
"There's nothing else out there for me. I can say that I've met amazing people at station 8 more importantly it lead me to you. So it's not so bad after all"
" don't look all depressed Beni, I'm fine with it." You got up.

Back at station 8 Iris came running towards you "(YN)!" Tears in her eyes she hugged you tightly.
"I'm so glad you okay- your hair!" She circled you.
"Sorry (YN)" she hugged you again "it's fine, it'll grow back"
The blond looked down to the large empty bag your brought. "Are you leaving again?" She asked you walked with her to your room. "I am" sadness taking over your tone.  She stopped at your door "well there's nothing much for you to take since Beni practically destroyed your room however after the guys from Station 7 fixed it-" she opened the door
Revealing a totally different room.
"I wanted to decorate it so that you had somewhere nice to come back too" you dropped your bag in shock.

Beautifully decorated with Double bed, filled with soft fluffy pillows and cute plushies. Your vanity was brand new, and she placed framed pictures of you, her and the crew on it.
"Thank you so much Iris" a few tears escaped "I'm going to miss you the most"
"Here" she picked up one of the frames. "Whenever Beni is off on long journeys you can always come visit"she smiled

"You know?" Eyebrow raised
"I always knew Beni had a thing for you. He acts differently around you. After what happened it was only a matter of time" she held your arm. "That and Konro kinda gave it away haha" you both chuckled

Your eyebrows knotted and your stomach turned "are you alright (YN)?"
"I-I'm not sure-" your mouth watered you quickly existed and found the bathroom where you emptied the contents of your stomach.
"Feel better?" Iris spoke
"I think I need to lay down for a bit" you let out a slow breath but that didn't stop you from vomiting again.

You took a warm bath and made your way to your bed still feeling uneasy "get some rest, I'll be back in 10" Iris left you.
During that time your other crew members checked on you except Maki you hadn't run into her yet.

"I'm back" the blonde girl walked over to you with a bag. You took it, your heart dropped looking inside "I figured" you pulled out the pregnancy test. "Looks like Beni did more than take care of you" her eyebrows wiggled. "I'm scared" you put the test down "what if I really am? What I'm I going to do? How would Beni react?!"
"Relax (YN) lets take this a step at a time...take the test first and we'll deal with what happens after"
You agreed taking the test with you.

A short wait later Iris held the small plastic in her hand. It results could change your life forever.
She glanced down at it and then you...

"It's-" you shut your eyes to her voice "positive"


"I'm pregnant?!" The word left your lips like a whisper. Your eyes not leaving the floor, a million thoughts raced through your mind. You couldn't say you are surprised considering how many times you and he went at it. But who could blame you he was spectacular.

You didn't know how to react, part of you was happy yet the other sad, No, disappointed this wasn't how it was supposed to go. And right now that side was taking over.

"Don't cry (YN) it's okay. It will be fine" she sat next to you holding you tight. "Remember I'm always here to help..you have all of us and I'm sure Beni will be thrilled.

You never had a mother- sure Obasan was like a mother to you but she wasn't your real mum. So how can you know how to take care and look after your child.

And be a proper mother
A mother who doesn't abandon their child
Or leaves without saying a word
Letting you wonder every night thinking it was your fault. 'Maybe I should have been a better daughter'

That pain in your chest came back
"Are you hurting (YN)?"
"I need to be alone right now"
Iris got up "Don't tell anyone please, not even Beni"
"I won't"

A/N: heyyy❤️ working on next chapter back soon.

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