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I perked up at the sound of the front door. I was happy to see (YN) again. I swung the door open but was met by a set of purple eyes "Maki" I mumbled.
She invited herself in "when are you going to realise that we are never going to happen?"I held the door open with one hand "please leave, (YN) should be back soon I don't want her getting the wrong idea"
Maki let out a short scoff as she stepped forward.
"When are you going to realise that (YN) will never fully be yours?" She cocked a brow "I don't have time for this" "what do you think (YN)'s doing right now?" She took another step forward my eyes looking down at her. "Because when I saw her she was locking lips with Shinji" "I don't believe that, she would never" "she wouldn't?" She held her phone up, my heart dropped "no-no"

She tilted her head to the side, her fingers lightly holding mine "Beni...I'm sorry but she's still in love with him" I stayed quiet not wanting to admit it "but you knew deep down you couldn't compete with him...they've been together since they were kids." She whispered "it's okay" she ran her hand up my chest to the side of my face.

I let the door shut.

She held onto me, "I've been waiting since that time last year do you remember?"

How could I not?

"We threw a party for Shinra, we both had a few shots. You were eyeing me all night but before you left you made sure to catch me all alone..." her eyes trailed down to my lips. "The smell of roses stained your skin" I spoke "my perfume" she smiled "and after we..." gently she placed her lips onto mine. Maybe I should give in at least I know wholeheartedly how Maki feels. The picture flashed in my mind, my blood began to boil. How could she do this to me after EVERYTHING I've done...she knows I love her yet she... I began kissing back, I picked Maki up, she wrapped her legs around me as I carried her over to my room...


You made your way back down stairs "(YN)" Obasan walked over to you "Maki was here, she went up to see you, but left in a rush, she had to meet a mutual friend?"
"She must have seen what happened! Obasan I have to go but I promise to come and visit whenever I can" you hugged her before running out.
You got to station 7, you noticed the door wasn't locked so you opened it. You were about to call out for Beni when another voice did. 'Maki' your eyebrows knotted.

A/N: this is where you choose what should happen...

A: Go to the kitchen grab the nearest thing you can find...it's about time you let Maki know she needs to stay in her place.

B: Walk straight into the room and confront them...

Next chapters will be A and B (posted at the same time) read chapter of your choice made here. Or both if you like ✨

Choose wisely...next chapters are going to be the ending!
;) enjoy!

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