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I wasn't much of a cook so I made what I could. I placed the French toast and syrup on a small wooden tray with a glass of water. The sound of footsteps became clear as I left the kitchen "see you Benimaru" Maki winked putting the straps of her bag on her shoulder.

I eyed her as she walked pass me. The smell of roses became sickly to me the pass few days she was here. It lingered on her forcing me to remember what happened between us last year...

I shook the memory from my mind seeing (YN) laying on the bed. "Beni" her eyes lit up, she sat up in the bed "that smells delicious, I'm so hungry" she held her stomach letting out an airy laugh.
"Here" placing the food in front of her I propped up the pillow behind her so she was comfortable.

She held my hand loosely "thank you" her voice a whisper "it's the least I could do" I patted her head running my hand through her short locks. She pulled away. Her other hand touching the back of her head "it feels weird with my hair this short" she looked down at her food "and.." she traced the stitching with her fingers. "Anyway...thanks for the food" she let out a little sigh.

I sat at the foot of the bed silently watching her, I could tell she was upset maybe uncomfortable? Did she not feel pretty with her hair short? Or is it the scar? Should I say anything? But she might get annoyed..."Beni?" She poked me with her foot "Sorry yes?"
"Can I ask you something?"
"How long was Maki here?"
"3 days why?"
"So why didn't she know where the bath house was?" She raised a brow
"I don't know maybe she forgot?" (YN) put her fork down "she came to this room with her robe oddly loose...I'm guessing she was naked underneath. Maki likes you? Did you two-"

"Nothing happened between us while she was here I promise! I can admit that she had tried to make advances towards me but I turned it down" she searched my eyes


"Okay?" Shouldn't she be mad? Even a little bit jealous?!!

"Yes that's what I said. Don't worry I'll deal with her" her voice turning deadly which not surprisingly turned me on. "Is that so" I wanted to act on it but decided not too she needs rest. "I'll leave you to eat" I kissed her forehead.

After eating Beni came back to take your empty plate and give you clean clothes to wear. You made your way to the bath house it felt good relaxing in the hot water. You reflected on the incident Shinji was no longer the guy you trusted and confiding in the sweet lovely him was long gone. But why is it your heart still ached for him. You sunk further into the water. Beni was your new leaf...start fresh and be loved by someone who actually loved you.

Getting back into your room you got changed and observed your appearance in the mirror.

You didn't like it. You felt out of place with your short hair. Even though you knew it was just hair and it would grow back. The lack of hair made you feel incomplete. The rough stitching scratched the sole of your fingertips, the absence of hair around the area apparent.

You couldn't help the few drops of tears to escape your eyes. Wiping your eyes you went to lay down trying to avoid dwelling in your thoughts.

You felt the mattress sink and a pair of arms wrap around you. "Hey" just the sound of his voice made you feel better. He kissed your neck "Your beautiful to me no matter what" you pulled his arm in tighter loving his embrace. He filled your ears with sweet compliments.

After a light snooze with Beni he decided it was time to show you around "where's the rest of your teammates?" You asked him "I told them to visit station 8 so we have this place to our selves. That and kinda left a massive hole in your room...well actually your rooms gone"
"What! What do you mean?"
"When you got hurt I lost control and almost destroyed the cathedral so a large portion is gone" he scratched the back of his head "the guys are helping rebuild"

"That's insane" it scared you thinking about how powerful Beni really is. Beni gave you a tour of the

When I Dream of You Benimaru x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now