Lemonade 🍋

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While (YN) went to get ready for bed. I took the empty dinner plates and wine glasses to the kitchen. Placing them in the sink I gazed through the window. The night sky was dotted with stars. A small smile crept onto my face thinking about (YN).

I feel complete with her around, I want to make sure she's safe and show her how much I...I love her.

Turning the tap off I put the dishes to dry.

(YN) room door was open I peeked inside. She stood in front of the mirror her body was draped in a see-through lace kimono that flowed onto the floor behind her. Her ass in full view, in the mirror her kimono was untied and her body naked.

Her eyes met mine in the mirror

"Come here"

I silently gulped was this the same (YN) that I knew?

I stopped halfway as she dropped the lace fabric to the floor. My eyes wandered all over her body damn and she's all mine. I walked right up to her engulfing her lips in a slow kiss my hands glossed over her waist down to her ass I squeezed it and then slapped it causing her to gasp. I picked her up carrying her over to the bed lips still connected.

I trailed down her jaw and neck leaving my mark on her, she watched as I encircled her hard nipple with my tongue. Letting out soft moans as I sucked and fondled her.

Slipped a hand down her stomach and in between her legs "fuck (YN) your dripping" I was trying my hardest not to rail her right there and then. Her cheeks flushed I slid two fingers in "Ben-" bringing my mouth down to her sweet folds I worked my tongue thrusting in and out gradually adding a third finger she'll need to be able to take this to handle me.

"Right there Beni- keep going" she called out, her back arched, her eyes shut as she holds my head in place. Soon her moans stop and her body begins to convulse I keep going as she rides out her orgasm.

She finally lets out a breath, our eyes meet her orbs filled with lust.

"My turn" she smirked. Beni removed his shirt and you kneeled In front of him. The tent in his pants pointing at you, you grabbed it slowly bringing your hands up and down teasing him through the fabric.

You pulled at the hems of his pants his dick sprang free hitting you on the jaw. How the hell was all this going to fit inside you, you ached in anticipation thinking about it.

Beni's lips parted as you ran your tongue along his shaft. You stopped looking up at him running your hands along his toned stomach. His hips shifted forward wanting you to take him. However, you decided to kiss everywhere except where he needed it. His eyebrows knotted in frustration. You stuck your tongue out and licked the slit painfully slow Beni's jaw clenched. You held the base of his dick placing him in your mouth with your cheeks hallow you swirled around his head leaving the rest of his length exposed. His breathing began to distort "deep throat it" he demanded, his voice rough this, this is what you've been waiting for. You fulfilled his demand going deeper taking as much of his length as you could till it hit that dangling thing at the back of your throat. Beni let out a low growl "shit (YN)" you stayed like that for a few seconds to get used to it. You kept a steady pace as you bobbed your head making sure not to neglect his balls.

The curses that left Beni's lips became more frequent. He began thrusting in your mouth, his head tilted back as he enjoyed the wetness of it. "Fuck" he pulled out breathing heavy. Your eyes watered as you tried to subdue the gag reflex "sorry (YN) was I too rough?" He gave a worried look "No, I'm fine Beni"

"You ready?" He asked "yes"

He hovered over you and positioned himself at your entrance. Your eyes darted towards the tip "No, I want you to look at me as I put it in"

You felt the tip push against you, and yourself being stretched as his length followed. Beni pulled out and put it back in loving the way you moaned when he entered you.

He kissed you pushing more of himself in. Your skin was hot, his hands caressed your skin gently comforting you since he knew it wouldn't be easy to take him. He paused a few times allowing you to adjust to him.

Once you took all of him he released his lips from yours "I love you (YN)" you brushed the hair away from his face "I love you too Beni" he began to move in and out each moan you called out his name. Which drove him crazy, he fastened his pace and you wrapped your legs around him, your bodies in sync. "Fuck me harder Beni" and he did just that until he pulled out. "Wha?" "Ride me" he flipped you over so you were straddling him. Supporting you at the hips with his hands. You bounced on him feeling him even further inside and rode his dick. "(YN)-" Beni called out he leaned his head forward taking your nipples into his mouth while ramming you. The stimulation pushing you over the edge "Fuck I'm gonna cum" he spoke trying to lift you off "wait one more stoke" you stayed put still ridding him, your toes curled and your stomach clenched as you came. You moaned out Beni's name and he did yours releasing inside of you.

You both out of breath and panting. He held you close to him.

"Next time I'm going to fuck you face down ass up and I'm not going to go so easy" he whispered in your ear.

"I look forward to it"

A/N: 😌😌 how did I do? I tried my best😭 hope y'all enjoyed it❤️

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