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Without even thinking you grabbed the knife that sat on the counter. Peaking through the door, she straddled him with her back facing you readying to unclasp her bra. Your grip on the knife tightens.  Within a split second, the metal blade pressed against her neck. You could feel her body tense "give me a reason why I shouldn't slit your throat right now" you spoke into her ear. 

"(YN)-" "I'm talking to Maki right now" you cut Beni off. "(YN) we both know you don't have the guts to do that" her eyes met yours "I've cut a bitch for less" you applied more pressure drawing a thin line of blood. 

You pulled her off him blade still connected. "Why do you always have to get involved Maki?! Do you get off in other people's misery? Are-are you that jealous you would go to Beni and-"
"You don't deserve him...I'm the one that's been there from day one! You waltzed into station 8 and everyone loved you, I was fine with that but then you had to steal the one person I was in- in love with" she wiped her tears.

The room was silent

"Maybe he loves you back since the two of you were all over each other- I'm guessing you guys slept together in the past?" This time you turned your attention to Beni.
"We've only kissed, but why do you care?" He walked until he stood in front of you "weren't you the one with Shinji's tongue down your throat? What did you think was going to happen (Y/N) every time I think we're moving forward you go back to him. That anger that you felt when you saw us together is how I feel when I hear about you and Shinji"

"Beni-" with you distracted Beni takes the knife out your hand swiftly throwing it across the room. "(YN)" Beni held your clenched fist to which you relaxed. "Beni Shinji kissed me and I did not kiss him back please believe that! I only have love for you" you spoke but something told you that it may not be enough this time. 

"If what your saying is true I  apologise for what I've done with Maki but..maybe we shouldn't be together" he let go of your hand  "What are you saying?!" you grabbed his shirt "I love you (YN) but...I need time to think" "Beni let's talk...we can fix things! I'm telling truth I don't love Shinji!"

"We need time apart-" he unhooked your hand from his shirt. Your eyes watered. Even though his face downcasted you saw a few tears fall. 

" I'm going out for a couple of hours you should go" he spoke quietly

He walked away

You dropped to your knees crying your eyes out "I'm sorry Beni"

Beni stood outside the door hearing you...this was the hardest thing he's had to do. He knew that space would be good for you two. There was nothing you could do for him to stop loving you but for now, he needed time to himself.

"(Y/N)" Maki's voice slithered into your ear a sharp cold point could be felt on your neck the knife! "Give me a reason not to slit your throat" you could tell she was smirking 

"Maki it's over you won...he left me arent you satisfied"

"bitch you cut me!" 

"And I'll do it again"

"Shut up!" she picked you up by your hair. you forgot how freakishly strong she was.

"With you out of the picture for good" she pressed the blade deeper 

"Maki Stop!" you screamed feeling the blade pierce your skin slowly 

 "Maki-" Beni hearing the commotion came back only to see you drop. His eyes widened with disbelief, he quickly caught you. You looked at him 

Gasping at the air, the blood gushed out of your throat. Beni held you with teary eyes doing his best to stop the blood. 

"(YN)- (YN)"
"Please no"
You held his face now marked with your blood. You mouthed a few words that you knew he would understand...Beni screamed releasing his anger.

Flames erupted from him, his eyes scanned the room Maki was gone. 

The pool of blood-soaked his knees, the fiery flames fuelled with his emotions...

The blood stopped
and your eyes no longer opened
You lay limp in his hands
Numb from the pain it was as if he died too
The life both of you had ripped away.

He placed his hand on your stomach, he held you up resting his forehead on yours he wished he'd never left this room...Never did what he did.

Maybe it was never meant to be 

Not in this time but Maybe in other life...

To his feet, he walked through the flames
The wooded walls collapsing around him
The fire was spreading rapidly
He didn't care
He left and never looked back.


A/N: ❤️❤️ 😌 thank you guys for reading. What do you guys think? did you read the other ending? If you did are you happy with the choice you made?

I think I'll write another Beni fanfic but a Modern one so no powers✨

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