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"Get out" I told Maki, her face dumbfounded


"I said get the fuck out!" I hit the steering wheel

"What are you going to do?" She opened the door

"Don't you worry about that"

Walking thought the station Beni caught your eye. You mentioned for him to follow you.

He closed the door to your room behind him "I'm so sorry (YN), I shouldn't have kissed you...I should have respected what you and Shinji had" his eyes downcast. "I-I" You didn't even know what to say

"Look Beni-" the door kicked open "You piece of shit" Shinji fumed as he swung at Beni hitting him straight in the jaw "you think because your a fucking big shot that you can take (YN) away from me!" He swung again. "Stop it Shinji!" "You better back up (YN) I knew you two were fucking" he pointed at you taking a step closer. "No, we're not!" You faced him head-on. "Get away from her" Beni grabbed him. "Heh.. I'm not afraid of you Benimaru" he scoffed. You could see Beni's eyes begin to flicker "please stop this Shinji" you tried holding him back. Shinji struck his elbow out knocking you back.


The room became silent however ringing filled your ears and your vision darkened "(YN)!" You heard Beni's voice. Your head felt light, you touched it. Strings of red-stained your fingers


The pounding in the back of your head stirred you awake "ow" you sat up looking at your surroundings "where am I?" This was not the station. At your side, Beni sat holding onto you. His eyes opened "(YN)!" He touched your face as if you weren't real. "What happened?" You also felt the absence of something around your neck. You touched your head, "Who cut my hair?!" Panic mode set in "calm down (YN)...you've been out for a week-"

"A week?!"

"When you fell you hit your head on the corner of your vanity...there was so much blood I thought you were gone" Shinji's face flashed before you "what happened to him?"

"I took care of him" Beni held your hand "what do you mean you took care of him?"

"I handled him"

"Is he dead Beni? Please tell me he's okay" You got up.

"Are you serious? You could've died (YN)! And you're worried about that bastard?!"

"It was an accident he didn't-"

"No man raises a hand to a woman! That was no fucking accident I should've killed him for what he did to you, he's lucky Shinra and Konro held me back." He walked around the bed and faced you. His eyes red as he bore into yours. "Beni-" "don't even say anything" Beni kisses your forehead "I'm just glad you woke up" he plants a kiss on your cheek. His hand on your side. He brings your chin up "I was scared shitless (YN)" he brings his lips closer to yours

You close the gap between you. You relished the soft feeling of his lips against yours. He pulled you in tighter. It was at this moment you knew you wanted to be with Beni. The kiss deepened but Beni broke it off.

"This will be your room, I'll be staying further down the hall if you need me"

"So we're not sharing" you poked his chest "ha, are you ready for what happens if we do?" He kissed you. "Do I need to be cautious?"

"Can you handle 9 inches?" He smirked leaving you speechless "come on let me show you around station 7"

As Beni opened the door Maki stood on the opposite end "Ohh (YN)..your awake.." she gave a weak smile. Her eyes drifted to Beni "Where did you say the bathhouse was again Beni" She straightened her oddly loose robe. You raised an eyebrow. "Down the hall turn left" he pointed "Thank you, It's great that you're finally awake (YN)" As Maki walked away you began to feel nauseous "Beni I think I need to lay down" you leaned against the wall. He brought you back over to the bed "Let me get you some water and food I'll be right back"

Walking into the kitchen I felt a pair of hands wrap around me "too bad shes woken up now huh?" she pressed herself against me. I let out a deep sigh "how long are you going to do this? Its time you go" I turned around almost surprised to see Maki's naked body in front of me "Not until I get what I want" she placed my hand on her thigh, slowly bringing it in between and in her folds. I removed my hand "Stop, I want you gone by the end of the night" "Fine, when (YN) crawls back to Shinji you know where to find me"

The exact thought of (YN) going back to Shinji haunted me would she ever love me as she did him?

A/N: Sorry for making you guys wait so long 😔😔 Hope you enjoyed💕

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