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I arrived at the orphanage I wasn't going to let (YN) run out like that.

The house seemed empty "(YN)" I called out, maybe she was upstairs. Obasan crept around the corner "I figured you would show" the older lady chuckled to her self. She shuffled over to me "she's outside the back with the children" she leads the way.

I could see (YN) sitting on the grass watching the children play. I walked over "hey" I sat next to her "I thought I said not to follow me" she sighed

"I know- but I had to see if you were okay.. what happened back there"

She took a deep breath "do you want to be with me Beni or is this just- I don't even know what to call it..." she shielded her eyes from the sun as she looked at me. "I'm unsure myself of what I want, you literally flipped everything upside down." Her brows relaxed she searched my eyes.

"I think I've made it clear that I want you (YN)" I told her

"No, you made it clear that your sexually attracted to me but is that it? Maki said that's all your interested in and right now I think that's true"

"Listen (YN) I want you for you, you have no idea what you've done to me. I think about you day and night from your beautiful eyes, your laugh, smile. I long for when I can touch you, hold you, simply talk with you. I-I've fallen for you (YN)" I awaited her response

"Beni..." she held the side of my face. "Every part of me wants to be with you but-"

Not wanting to hear what I dreaded I brought my lips to hers.

Her soft lips melted into my own, her sweet scent filled the air around us. I reached out to caress her cheek she took hold of it, separating us.

"(YN)?" She was crying. Words wouldn't escape my mouth this was the first time I'd seen her like this. And it hurt because I was the cause. "I need to get my thoughts in order" and just like that she's gone.

Back in the house, Obasan stopped me at the door. "(YN) may seem strong on the outside but she's fragile. I remember when she first arrived here at 3yrs so stubborn and hard-headed."

"(YN) was an orphan?" Obasan nodded "most of her time here she rarely interacted with the other children. I think she was afraid to get attached and depend on others. That was until Shinji visited with his parents, they own this building. Shinji took a liking to her and they became close he managed to pull her out of her shell. She was like a flower that suddenly bloomed. What I'm trying to say is that Shinji will always have a special place however I can see you care for her deeply and I can tell she cares for you too."

You sat in your old room. The bed creaked under you as you laid down. Wiping the tears away you hated at how fast your heart was beating, the tips of your ears stung. 'We kissed' it felt exactly how you thought it would. You wanted it to last forever however guilt tugged at you. This wasn't fair to Shinji, you knew your relationship was deteriorating over the past months but you hung on in hopes things would change. Even though you still loved him what's the point in grasping at something that isn't there?

You both were growing apart, it broke your heart just thinking about it.

Maybe it was time to move on...

"(YN)" a small voice could be heard from outside your door. Okita slowly walked in "are you okay (YN)?" His eyes watering "I'm fine don't worry" you hugged him.

Inside a car stationed opposite the Orphanage sat Shinji he watched as Beni exited and left. His eyes followed your figure as you walked away from the Orphanage. His jaw clenched and his grip on the starring wheel tightened.

"I told you" a female voice spoke. Shinji looks to his side where Maki sat. With a pleased smile...

A/N: Shinji's maadd! 👀

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