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This isn't right...

I shouldn't be doing this...

Beni thought to himself as Maki kissed on him. She slid her hand down his pants "Not hard yet?" she spoke how could he be? she wasn't (YN) "let's fix that" She began to pull his member out Beni closed his eyes trying to imagine (YN). "Oh hell naw bitch!" "(YN)?" Beni opened his eyes to see (YN).

You managed to get her off him but knew there was no way you could win a fight against her 'maybe I should have brought a weapon with me or something ?'  you questioned.

"Beni get up!" you demanded he did as you said fixing his clothes. "(YN)" Maki walked over to you not embarrassed at being half-naked.  "Don't be mad we could use a third" At this moment you didn't expect her to connect her lips with yours. "get the fuck off me" you slapped her.

"So you've come back from fucking Shinji" Beni spoke, you swiftly turned around "You really think I would do that?" the both of you faced each other " you did have his tongue down your throat?" "Is that what maki told you?" "Showed me actually" he corrected "And you decided to sleep with her to get back at me?" you scoffed "Beni your not even hard..." you felt him twitch in your hand " You know shes got nothing on me"  you whispered. "if you want to make me jealous you have to try better than her" he pulled you in "don't think for a second you fucking Shinji or whatever gets under my skin because you know exactly what I can do" he brought his lips down to your jaw as he spoke softly "does he make you cum so hard your body convulses?" he kisses lightly on your neck running his hand up your thigh. "I bet you're wet just from my touch" 

He held onto your hand that was holding him "You kissing Shinji broke my heart (YN) I was humiliated"  his tone stern, he removed your hand. "Now if you will excuse us" he walked away from you to Maki.

You stood there dumbfounded...did you two just break up?


"Beni!" you repeated he ignored you "Beni we are going to figure this out!" "(YN) he doesn't want you bye" she waved.  That was the last straw, you pounced on her, her back hit the floor getting as many hits in, your knuckles bruised and bloody. "(YN) stop!" Beni tried to get you off her, Maki flipped you over she swung at your face, it stung, your lip busted and bleeding. Beni threw her off you "fighting her isn't going to change anything (YN)" he held you down "Beni Shinji kissed me and I stopped it straight away!" his facial expression didn't change "(YN) I believe you but how do know the next time you see him something else won't happen?" 

"Because I love you Beni" he didn't respond "Beni say something..." 

"I want to move past this but- I don't trust you (YN)" he let out a deep sigh "I'm sorry (YN)" 

"no" you held onto him "Beni I know you love me! we can fix this! don-" "(YN)! please don't make this harder" he tried to release your hold on him "(YN) let go" "I won't" you began crying 

"let me go (YN)"

"Please (YN)" he couldn't even look at you it hurt him too much  "Beni..." you let go of his shirt "I was hoping to come back with my stuff and for us to start our life together" you sat up wiping your tears  "while I was at Station 8 I found out something life-changing" Beni still didn't look at you "I never thought I would be telling you like this"  You could see Maki trying to usher him out the room but Beni stood still listing to you. "Beni your going to be a father" 

He faced you "Wai- you're pregnant?!" "Yes" you nodded. You could see him relax "(YN) this- this is amazing" "I was scared that wouldn't want the baby" "Are you crazy (YN) of course I do I love yo-" he knelt down before you "I love you" he placed a hand on your stomach. Maki stormed out.  "Why did you fight Maki?" "I wasn't going to let her steal you!" you told him, he gave a light chuckle. "(YN) even though I said I love you I still think we need time apart" "But-" "You'll still stay here since you pregnant but in sperate rooms"

"Fine" there wasn't any point in arguing. 

The next few days were weird and awkward filled with close encounters and having to refrain from being intimate. Which wasn't easy when he wanted to feel your stomach at random times of the day. His hands would sometimes wander down your leg or around your waist and he'll leave like nothing happened. He knew how to leave you wanting more.

And here you were in your room, his right next to yours. Thinking about his touch and what he said "does he make you cum so hard your body convulses? "  This separation thing wasn't working for you. You made your way over to your room door, you opened it seeing Beni on the other side.  You both watched each other your eyes speaking for you. 

no words

Your lips crashed against each others, he picked you up swiftly pinning you down on the bed.

"What was I thinking? I love you too much" he smiled "I love you both" he caresses your stomach as he kisses you.


A/N: ❤️❤️ 😌 thank you guys for reading. What do you guys think? did you read the other ending? If you did are you happy with the choice you made?

I think I'll write another Beni fanfic but a Modern one so no powers✨

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