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Mattia set his book bag in his locker and grabbed his laptop and binder from it. He and his friends refused to use computers provided by the school, explaining that they were just too basic and cheap.

Mattia pulled out his schedule and checked it over. He almost instantly already had the schedule memorized. He folded the paper up into a ball threw it in a trash can nearby, and started his walk to Science.

The bell rang and he was late, but he didn't care. He walked into the class about three minutes after the bell had rung. "Mattia Polibio, what do you think you're doing, late to my class?" A young female voice spoke and Mattia looked over at her.

She couldn't be any older than 25. She had long blonde hair, green eyes, and the perfect body and face to go along with it. "Mattia Polibio!" The teacher yelled again, causing Mattia to snap out of his trance.

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again." Mattia reassured her and the teacher nodded. "Go take a seat next to Alejandro in the back. She pointed towards a golden skin colored boy, who had dark brown, almost black curly hair. He had piercing brown eyes and a sharp jawline.

Mattia nodded his head slowly and walked to the back of the class. He set his binder and laptop down at the corner of the desk and pulled out the chair, taking his seat next to the eye catching boy.

Mattia pulled his phone from his pocket and began messing around on it, snapping friends and talking to whoever he pleased. He didn't even bother to pay attention to the teacher, let alone what she was saying.

Suddenly he felt someone nudge at his elbow. Surprised, he turned to face the boy that sat beside him. "What do you want?" Mattia asked, clearly not amused. "What do you want?" The older repeated, in a slightly higher pitched tone then Mattia.

The shorter boy cleared his throat. "If you would of been listening to the teacher then you would of heard her talk about the fact these are our seats for the rest of the year and that we have to do a project with our table partner." Mattia growled and put his phone away, giving his full attention to the older boy.

"So what is this project about?" Mattia asked, still not amused. Alejandro rolled his eyes. "One of those class projects where we have to make a stupid paper mache volcano and create the page for it or whatever." The talker mentally face palmed. "I hate science, I'm not smart enough for this kind of shit." The older boy nodded, agreeing with him. "We can maybe start on the project tonight? It's due in three weeks."

Mattia scratched at his neck. It had been a while since he had hit his juul. "Um, I'm actually busy tonight from like four to nine because of soccer practice and other things so like ten minutes after nine you could come over." The younger said, pulling his juul from his pocket and taking a puff. He exhaled in slow short breaths to ensure he wouldn't be caught.

He put his vape back into the pocket of his sweats. The older boy watched, amused. "Alright works for me then. I have soccer practice too, and yeah I have some stuff to do afterwards with friends as well."

"Yeah.. same." The taller agreed, a slight bit of curiosity in his voice. For the rest of the hour the two boys talked about their summer and things like that. Finally, the bell rang. "Alrighty class don't forget the project is due in three weeks! Be sure to start on it as soon as possible!" Mattia muttered things to himself as he packed up his supplies and left the science room.

He started his walk to algebra. He hated algebra too, math just wasn't his thing. He preferred P.E. because of his athleticism. Which reminded him, P.E. was his last class of the day which excited him. Even though he knew he would be wore out since he would have soccer afterwards, he didn't care. That would only make him work harder.

He walked into the classroom and began scanning the room. Kairi was sitting at a desk, an empty seat beside him. Mattia walked over to Kairi and happily filled the empty seat. "Aye, it's nice to knew we have at least one class together." Mattia said, snapping Kairi from his blank stare. "Oh, yeah it is.. isn't it?"

Mattia just eyed the boy and blinked several times before nodding his head slowly. As Mattia opened his mouth to question the shorter, he was rudely interrupted by the teachers presence. "Hello class, i'm Mr. Anders, and i'm going to be your algebra teacher for your senior year!" Small sarcastic yays and scoffs came from the moody teenagers.

The teacher sat down and sighed, slouching. "Yeah even I myself didn't buy that one." A few of the teenagers made small giggling noises, or whispered to others that were nearby. Mattia and Kairi remained expressionless though, not finding that funny at all.

"So, since today is your first day of my class there will not be any homework. Although, for these first two and a half weeks of school we will be working on review sheets to make sure you remember everything from last year. Again, these are not homework but you will be responsible for them. That means keep track of them and do not lose them. This will be something that we'll work on in class."

Mattia closed his eyes and his breath hitched. He prayed he wouldn't be called up to the desk to hand out the papers. "Mattia Polibio.. could you please hand out the work sheets?" Mattia groaned and got up. He wanted to flip the table, or kick his seat. That's just who he was. An overdramatic seventeen year old.

He walked over to the desk and to the teachers desk. Mr. Anders was giving him a light and sarcastic smile. Mattia returned the look. "Fuck off." Mattia growled as he snatched the papers from the older mans hand and began to walk around the room, giving everyone a paper.

He got those lovey looks from most of the girls, even some of the guys. The other boys just gave him glares. He could feel all eyes on him. He returned the remaining papers and walked back over to his desk, sitting down. "All these boys really staring at me like they're better than me." Mattia told Kairi in a low voice.

Kairi scoffed. "I know, imagine if they knew what you are or what you do. I bet they'd take it back real quick." Mattia gave a small head nod and got to work on his algebra review sheet.

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