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"I love you, Gian."

Almost eight months had passed and it was now May 10th, the last day of school for the seniors. In the span of about six months Mattia had spent every last bit of his time with his family. He even turned down prom just so he could be with his family.

He was currently at lunch, spacing out and eating his chips until he heard Cynthia's voice calling his name. He put down his bag of chips and turned to her. "Yeah?" Cynthia smiled. "Mattia, I was wondering if you would maybe like to go on a date with me?" Mattia was taken back by what she had said. He was unprepared, not sure and-.

Alejandro wasn't having it. "Mattia, tell her how I had you moaning my name into the sheets last night at my house.. daddy!" The older boy mocked and he looked directly at Mattia who was a blushing mess. "I-it's true, Cynthia." Mattia said quietly. He put his hands on his cheeks, trying to hide his blush. Cynthia scoffed and glared at Alejandro before she got up and walked away, the other girls following her.

Meanwhile the other four boys looked between Alejandro and Mattia, eyes wide, jaws dropped, and waiting for answers. "Are you guys stupid? Of course we were lying. I just didn't wanna go out with Cynthia." Mattia said sternly, looking at Alejandro who let out a soft chuckle. The four boys gave each other knowing glances and looked back to the two boys. Mattia was still pink while Alejandro acted like nothing had happened.

After a few more hours the school day had finally finished and the two boys were now walking to Mattia's house together. "You didn't have to expose me like that at lunch today." The taller said, still flustered. The older boy chuckled and looked up at Mattia.

"But did I lie?" The shorter asked, making younger shake his head. "Whatever, I have a surprise for you when we get to my house." Mattia said, a tone of excitement suddenly coming from no where.

When the two boys made it to Mattia's house the taller boy grabbed Alejandro's hand and ran downstairs to his room. "Okay now sit down on the bed and close your eyes.." The older did as he was told and let out a small giggle, causing the younger to smile.

Mattia walked back over to Alejandro with a small box in his hands. He scratched the back of his neck and got down on one knee. "Okay.. you can open your eyes now." The older boy opened his eyes and gasped, hands going to cover up his mouth. "I'm not asking you to marry me.. i'm asking you to be my boyfriend. And this is your promise ring.. I have one to match."

Mattia raised his hand to show a black sapphire band on his right ring finger. The shorter boy nodded and leaned down to hug the taller. "Of course I will." Mattia smiled so wide it began to hurt. The older pulled away and Mattia carefully slipped the black band onto Alejandro's right ring finger.

Their hands intertwined and they both leaned in, kissing softly. They were interrupted by a loud gasp. Mattia turned to see Gianluca, who had been watching the whole time. "Fuck." The taller whispered before standing up and slowly walking over to the small boy. "Gian.. please don't tell. You know how sad is about these kind of things." He whispered. The small boy nodded and Mattia's eyes softened. He felt as if he were going to cry. He couldn't murder his own little brother.

Tears brimmed his eyes and he bursted out into a sob. He leaned down and wrapped his arms around his younger brother. "You won't understand why i'm going to do what i'm going to do, Gian. But I promise I won't let anything bad happen to you." The small boy stood there, slightly confused and slowly returned his big brother's hug, making the taller boy cry harder.

Alejandro just watched, having no idea what was going on either. A part of him wanted to comfort the taller boy but he had no idea why to do so if he didn't know what was going on. Luckily Mattia's parents weren't home at the moment to hear Mattia's cry's, because if they were Mattia would have to make something random up. "I love you, Gian." The tall boy said in a shaky breath.

"I love you too, Mattia." The small boy said, triggering another emotion in Mattia he never knew he had, sorrow.

A/N: I didn't cry.. you did.

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