Chapter 4 "Sneaky"

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your POV:

after spencer left that night you passed out so quick. with the case draining you and then your extra fun you had after work you just couldn't stay awake any longer. you wake up at 6 am again, still tired and sore from last night you get up and take a long shower. the showers hot, like always. while rinsing your hair your body shivers, remembering spencer touch. thinking about what he did to you and how he made you feel turned you on.

after your shower you stand in front of your closet wondering what to wear for work. what should I wear? skirt? jeans? your head filling with outfit choices. you decide to go with dark blue jeans with a button up grey long sleeve shirt since it was rainy out. matched that with small heels and a necklace your mother gave you years ago before she died. the case you all last worked brought up feeling you haven't felt since your moms passing. thankful spencer was there for you on the jet.


you get to work and head to the coffee pot in the breakroom for your first cup of the day. you needed it because of spencer keeping you up most of the night. you see Emily walking to you in your peripherals and brace yourself for what she's going to say.

E: y/n you look terrible. did you even sleep last night?

you laughed while grabbing a mug from the cupboard.

Y: barley. this case hit me hard ya know? my first one.

E: ohhh yeah. I remember mine. I understand. I'm here if you need to talk.

she rubs your shoulder and leaves. probably to go see Penelope and JJ.

you're stirring creamer into your coffee when you feel hands grab your waist. you jump and spill the coffee on the counter. turning around quick to see spencer, his eyes wide from the mess he made you make. you slap his chest and he laughs.

Y: not funny doctor.

he is still laughing, but grabs paper towels to clean it up with.

S: I guess you can say I gotcha

you laugh because of the way he said "gotcha"

S: what?

Y: nothing. why did you scare me like that.

S: because I saw you over here stirring your coffee for an odd amount of time and wanted to see if you were okay.

Y: you timed me?
you said with a smirk, grabbing his tie. he looked down at you hands and licked his lips.

S: yes..... I did.

Y: can you time me for when I start doing this.

you look around the breakroom, no ones there except you two. so you slide your hand down his chest and over his member. stroking it through his pants. he lets out a deep breath, trying hard not to make a sound. he reaches up and pulls your hair making your head fly back as he places kisses down your neck. you hear someone's heels clicking, sounding like the were coming this way so you both return to cleaning the coffee. the thrill of getting caught rushes through you.

spencer's POV:

sneaking around with you made me excited, I've never felt this way before, you're the only girl who has made me want to do this at work. it was the thrill of the chase. if anyone found out it wouldn't be good. you tested me in the breakroom. I wanted to flip you over and pound you on that counter, but we are at work so that just stays in my head. while you cleaned up the coffee I made you spill I made you another cup, since I did mess up the first one.

I watched the person who entered the breakroom leave and instantly gave you a quick kiss before I left to go back to my desk.

while I'm sitting there I can hear you chatting with the girls about random guys you've seen around town who have caught your eye. it was fine with me obviously. it not like I'm dating you, I'm not going to get jealous about that. you walk over to you desk, bending over to pick something up you angled yourself in the perfect position for me to catch that you were teasing me. big mistake. images flooding my brain of punishing you for bending over like that for everyone to see.

you catch me looking at you and you smirk. I instantly pick up my phone to text you.

S: what do you think you're doing?

Y: who me?

S: yes you. teasing me like that in front of everyone.

Y: what are you going to do about it?

I look up and you're biting your lip. I left you on read just to see what you would do.

Y: come over tonight. bring food.

S: what kind of food?

Y: I want Chinese, but you can have me.

my eyes widen when I read you last test. you're bold, I like that about you.

morgan walks over and sees us both on our phones.

M: what are you guys doing sexting?

I look at him confused.

S: gross dude, I'm texting my mom.

he laughs and sits down instantly starting case files. I put my phone down and look over at you, you wink at me and turn to your computer to start working.

your POV:

you're usually never this bold but something about spencer makes you crazy. maybe its his talent of knowing the exact places to touch you at any given time or its his awkwardness when people catch him. whatever it was you were hooked. you were slow on files today because you couldn't stop thinking about tonight. " I want Chinese, but you can have me" when you texted that his face was priceless he didn't know what to do other than stare at it. you hoped you didn't scare him. this sneaky texting and stuff at work began to worry you, if hotch caught you he wouldn't fire spence, he would fire you. why would he fire spence when you're the newest on the team.

stop worrying so much. you wont get caught if you're smart about it. you said in your head over and over to calm yourself down. after that you sped up on the cases trying to finish them before you went home so hotch wasn't doing extra work then he already does. there wasn't a case so you work for the next 5 hours just on files, occasionally seeing spencer look at you.

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