Chapter 18 "Answers"

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S: y/n w-we need to talk.

your heart sank. this was it... what happened? last night he said you were the love of his life. your brain immediately went to filling in what he was going to say.

S: y/n?

you refocused and looked at spencer. you both walked to the couch and sat down. you weren't ready for this. he stayed silent, looking at his hands.

Y: so? what happened.

he chewed on his lip as he grew more and more nervous. you became impatient.

Y: damn it spencer! just tell me the truth!

he took a deep breath and looked at you.

S: JJ and i kissed.

anger. that's they only feeling you felt in that moment. not sad, not frustrated, not anything except anger. JJ was your best friend and she kisses your boyfriend..

Y: i- right...

you nod your head slightly and your cheeks get red.

Y: so 1st you leave your SICK girl friend at home, then you don't come home until MIDNIGHT...

you voice gradually getting louder.

Y: THEN you come home angry at ME when YOURE the one who kissed someone else!

S: please y/n-

Y: save it.

S: i-

Y: i thought you were different.

you got up and started walking away.

S: y/n stop! she kissed me! i pushed her away!

you stopped. your face turning red from embarrassment. i really went off without the whole story... you thought. now i sound dumb. you turned around and looked at him.

S: she kissed me and i never kissed her back.

you walked back over to the couch and sat down, ready to hear the whole story.

Y: how did.... l-like how did it even get to that point?

it didn't make any sense why she would just kiss him.

S: we sat in my car for a while after work, because she needed to talk about something.

you nodded. paying attention to every detail.

S: she said will and her were fighting and that she needed a friend right now, so i stayed with her. she asked me about what you and i do if we fight and he only thing i could say was "we haven't really fought". she started crying and talked about how will has been screaming at her lately about being gone a lot. it got really awkward because i didn't know what to say.

he rubbed his forehead for a second like he was trying to build up the courage to say something.

S: then she spit out that she has always loved me... ever since the redskins game i took her to, she has loved me.

Y: and what did you say?

you cross your arms and raise your eyebrows, looking directly into his eyes. his eyes got wide and he shook his head as he spoke.

S: nothing. i looked at her,  she looked at me, and she looked at my lips as she leaned in, kissing me... then i pulled away quick and told her i couldn't do that to you.

him telling you what happened made you feel so much better. he did love you. it was jj..

S: after she got flustered and apologized. she started talking about how you and hers relationship was probably over since she kissed me.

Sucker for you. (Spencer Reid x Reader)✔️Where stories live. Discover now