Chapter 5 "Pain and Pleasure"

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your POV:

after you came home from work you immediately went to take a shower knowing spencer was going to come over. after your shower you picked out a bra and panty set that was more on the lingerie side than regular underwear. remembering spencer's favorite color was purple you chose that color for your underwear. putting short shorts and a cropped tank top on since this was at your house and not out to dinner you didn't feel the need to get all dressed up.

he never texted or anything saying he was coming and you've been waiting for an hour already. thinking the food was taking a while for him to pick up you gave him the benefit of the doubt. you just watched TV as the time kept on going longer and longer you waited for him to arrive, but nothing. you started feeling very upset. did he stand me up? you asked yourself. no. he wouldn't do that. he would have texted. you kept saying whatever would make you feel better, but it didn't matter because he wasn't showing.

you ended up falling asleep on the couch and waking up at midnight. looking at your phone to see if he ever tried calling or texting... nothing. he definitely stood you up and this infuriated you. why? he had all that time at work to text me or even tell me face to face that he wasn't coming or couldn't make it. thinking about it made you angry so you just went to your room and went back to bed.


you woke up to your alarm blaring and rolled over to turn it off. your mood today was shot, you didn't want to talk to anyone about anything. you already took a shower last night so you just got dressed, fixed your hair, brushed your teeth and headed out the door. you stopped at a gas station to pick up coffee and a bagel. while you gave the clerk your items to ring up he started hitting on you. it made you feel awkward and uncomfortable at first but after talking to him for a while you relaxed. he was around your age, tall, blonde hair with glasses. you found him very attractive. you were the only customer in here so you talked to him for a while.

A: I'm adam by the way.

he shook your hand.

Y: im y/n.

looking at your watch you were almost late for work. telling him that he quickly jotted his phone number down on a piece of paper and handed it to you. this made your whole mood flip.

A: call me.

Y: okay, maybe i will.

you said flirty. and left

you walked out of there with a huge smile on your face. he didn't make you feel the way spencer did, but right now spencer didn't really make you feel good at all.

you arrive at the office, phone number still in hand. you walk through the big glass doors to your desk and JJ sees you holding that paper.

JJ: whats that?

Y: you wont believe this. I went to a gas station for coffee and a bagel and this hot cashier gave me his number. did I mention he is hot.

JJ: yeah you did.

Emily hears you talking about a guy and runs over.

E: what about a guy?

JJ: y/n got a guys number!

E: oh my god! is he hot?

Y: hella!

E: what's his name?

Y: adam

the three of you now gossiping about this man.

you can feel spencer's eyes pierce you when you started talking about how hot this guy was. you didn't care. its not like he made the effort to even see you. he walked up to you and asked to talk somewhere privately. you hesitated but eventually agreed. you knew you were going to lose your shit on him but didn't want to at work. he pulled you into a storage closet and locked the door behind him. he stood back to the door and with you in front of him. you stood there waiting for him to talk first, but he stayed quiet.

Y: what reid.

you never call him reid, his face drops.

spencer's POV:

reid? REID? when does she ever call me reid. you calling me by my last name hurt a little.

S: I wanted- wanted to.

Y: apologize?

S: yeah. I never came over last night.

Y: never called or texted either, but ya know. I should stop getting my hopes up for guys at this point.

S: y/n... I-

my face got red because I couldn't think of the right thing to say.

Y: I sat there in cute lingerie, waiting for you. I thought you were different.

S: im sorry.

Y: do you have an explanation? or just a " sorry y/n I just didn't want to see you. or even tell you I wasn't coming" type thing.

S: I was dealing with stuff last night.

Y: okay. right.

you moved me over to the side to walk out the door but I grabbed you and spun you around so you are now back against the door. your eyes widened, not with fear, but with excitement. you let out a little grunt when I pushed you against the door.

Y: what are you doing?

S: what I promised to do last night.

your POV:

hearing his voice say those words made your core twitch. you were still mad at him, but wanted to fuck him so bad. you gave in pulling his head towards you and kissed him aggressively. his hands shot directly to your sides lifting your shirt over your head and onto the ground. he started sucking on your collarbone area and biting you. his aggression making you extremely wet. you let out a loud-ish moan and be took his hand and covered your mouth.

S: shut up.

his tone giving you goosebumps, you listened. he backed up and took his shirt off. you pulled him back to you by his belt loops and started to kiss his neck. he started to take off his pants. now only in his boxers he takes off your pants. you're in a hurry because you don't want the team to wonder where you have been.

he slips his hand down your panties and starts messing with your clit, remembering not to moan you place your hand over your mouth only letting out heavy breaths. he flips you around to where you're now facing the door. he lowers his boxers and aligns himself with your core, sliding in. its so hard to keep quite when he is so big and so good at what he is doing. he trusts into you, fingers digging into your hips. he grabs a handful of your hair and pulls your head back, he leans forward and kisses your neck.

Y: fff- fuck

you whispered. while cuming, seeing stars. your walls clenching around spencer's member. he wasn't done yet. he kept ramming into you. making you cum again, finally this made him cum too. leaning over you he whispers in your ear. " good girl" which made your head roll back, it was so hot.

you both rush to put your clothes on and fix your hair and head back out to your desks. trying to make it seem less suspicious you faked a conversation.

S: I hope that cleared things up.

Y: yeah it did, but don't do it again spence. okay?

you wink at him and you both sit down at your desks not even a minute later JJ comes out saying we have case.

Sucker for you. (Spencer Reid x Reader)✔️Where stories live. Discover now