Chapter: 23 "Perfect"

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A month later

you woke up late, the sun beaming through the window onto the bed, making it extremely warm. you checked the time to see that it was 11 am. you rushed out of bed and to the living room to see spencer with the baby, bouncing and shushing her as she grew fussy. his eyes shooting to you as you ran out of the room, widening as he saw the look on your face.

Y: i-im sorry i slept in.

S: baby, i let you sleep in. you have been up all night taking care of addison, insisting that you did it every time. you needed a break.

Y: did i?

your cheeks grew red with embarrassment.

Y: im sorry.

you walked over to addison, brushing your thumb over her cheek before looking back up at spencer.

S: it's okay. i also just wanted to spend some father-daughter time with her, isn't that right?

he looks down at addison, her eyes wide as she looked at him. she smiled as he spoke to her in his baby voice. you smiled when you saw her reaction.

Y: you're so good with her.

he looks at you again and you give him a kiss. it was quick, but had a lot of love behind it. you made your way to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water and a breakfast bar and walked back over to sit on the couch. the baby instantly starts crying.

S: um, y/n? i think she's hungry and i physically can't help her with that.

you laughed as he walked to you. you grabbed her and positioned her with your nipple, feeding her as you watched TV. he sat next to you and watched how you took care of her. his world was complete, his heart full of love for the both of you. visions of his new life flashing in his mind, watching addison swing on the playground as he pushed her. her, henry, and jack becoming best friends and her first days of school. he couldn't have asked for a better life than the one he has with you. he leaned over and kissed your check before focusing on the TV.


S: can we bring her to the BAU? we can say hi to everyone and i know they want to see her again.

Y: spence, no. hotch doesn't want to see us for a while, remember what he said?

he showed you his puppy eyes, which he knew you couldn't say no to him after seeing him do it. your head rolls back as you sigh.

Y: fine, but if we get yelled at it's your fault.

S: yes!

spencer jumps off from lying in bed and gets ready. you were already ready so you had the job of getting addison ready. you packed her diaper bag with all the essentials. you also decided to shoot penelope a quick text asking if everyone was there and not out on a case and she said replied saying everyone was there.

spencer got his shoes on and grabbed addison in her car seat as you both head out the door. you locked the door and swung the diaper bag over your shoulder as you followed him to the car.

Y: i can't believe you got me to agree to this.

he giggles while walking down the stairs.

Sucker for you. (Spencer Reid x Reader)✔️Where stories live. Discover now