Chapter 20 "Surprise"

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your eyes opened, but you couldn't adjust to the light. muffled voices filling your ears as you tried to make out what they were saying and your head hurt.

you turned your head at one of the people and you tried to talk, but no words could leave your mouth.

E: guys she's awake!

you fully adjusted to the light and the girls rush over to you as you lied in a hospital bed. you flinched as the hugged you. you started to cry under their touch.

P: guys she's crying, stop.

JJ: y/n it's us.

you looked around at them and opened you mouth to talk. your throat was so dry that talking was difficult, but you formed one sentence.

Y: where's s-spencer?

emily grabbed you water and you drank some, but everyone else looked at each other, their eyes filled with sadness. no... no.. he can't be.. your heart rate skyrocketed. you could hear the beeping of the monitor increase.

P: hey calm down. come here babe.

penelope sat on the edge of the bed and pulled you closer to her and she hugged you. you hugged her back as you cried into her shoulder, emily and JJ rubbing your back.

JJ: he's in surgery right now. the guys are waiting for an update.

you calmed down some. at least he wasn't dead.

Y: he beat him... so bad. his last words to me were "i love you, i love-"

you broke down crying again into your hands . emily and JJ now sat on your bed with you and penelope, trying to comfort you.

JJ: the doctors said adam dropped you both off here. spencer wasn't responsive, but you were untouched.

P: they gave you morphine so i doubt you remember coming in here.

you smiled at them. so happy that you were alive and that spencer was too.

E: we got him, we got adam. he's gone forever now.

you rub your eyes free from tears and look at her.

Y: what if he gets out again?

the girls looked at each other before speaking.

P: girl. he's never going to get out... he's dead.

you felt relived. you finally never had to deal with him again. a smile forming on your face. JJ saw this and smiled.

JJ: also congrats!

you furrowed your brows. they all looked so excited, but you had no idea what she was talking about.

Y: what?

E: you're pregnant.

your eyes widened. what? i- im what? you thought. a look of confusion growing on your face.

E: is that not a good thing?

Y: n-no it is.... i just wasn't expecting it. how far along am i?

P: the doctor said about 10 weeks

you mind shot back to the time when you were throwing up to everything. you were on birth control so you never got your period anyway, so pregnancy never really crossed your mind.

you smiled so big at this news. your hands instantly going to your stomach, happy tears running down your face. the girls added their hands to your stomach as well, all of them smiling.

the best family in the world, this baby is going to have.


you woke up from a nap to see everyone outside your room with a doctor. you tried to see if you could make out what they were saying, but you couldn't read their lips.

emily sees you staring through the window and walks in, leaving the rest of the team with the doctor.

Y: hey. what is it? is it spence?

emily sat down in your bed.

E: he is out of surgery. he had a fractured skull, broken nose, and broken ribs that punctured his right lung.

you started crying, if they hadn't of killed adam you definitely would have.

E: hey! he's alive though and you can see him.

you wiped your tears as emily stands up and grabs a wheelchair from the corner of the room, helping you into it.

the walk to spencer's room was kind of long, since he was in a different part of the hospital and it was not on the same floor as you were on.

when you entered his room he was still asleep from the anesthesia. his head was wrapped up and his face was covered in bruises. emily rolled you to where you were next to his bed and you reached out to grabbed his hand, pulling it up to your mouth and kissing it, tears running down your cheek.

Y: he looks so...

E: that will go down soon.

Y: how do you think he will take the news?

you turn and look at emily, a smile forming on her face.

E: he's going to be ecstatic. you both are going to be amazing parents.

S: parents?

your head shoots over to him. his non swollen eye barley opens, but you can still see his beautiful hazel eyes, he squeezes your hand lightly as he begins to wake up.

you break down with happy tears watching him get more and more conscious. you weren't in any pain so you stood up, pushing the wheelchair back as you sat on an empty spot on his bed.

Y: yeah parents, im pregnant spence.

it was impossible for you to make a bigger smile than the one you had right now. spencer's mouth opens in shock, pulling your arm down so you can kiss him. you made sure to be careful about his injuries.

his hands found the sides of your face as he deepens the kiss, not caring about emily standing next to you.

D: dang kid. 2 seconds out of surgery and you're already trying to get it on.

you pulled away from spencer and turn to see morgan, hotch, rossi, penelope, and JJ walking into his room.

P: did you tell him?

Y: yes i did.

P: yaaaay!

the smile on spencer's face was still there. the thought of him being a father made him so happy.

H: congratulations.

Y: thanks hotch and thank you all for being here for us. this baby is going to have an amazing family.

you hands go to touch you stomach. you feel spencers hand touch it too, making small circles with his thumb. everyone in the room was smiling, even hotch. your heart grew with so much love for your team and for your now new family.

Sucker for you. (Spencer Reid x Reader)✔️Where stories live. Discover now