Chapter 7 " Aggressor"

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your POV:

you wake up a little later than usual. its 8 am and you and adam agreed on him picking you up at 10. right when you're about to get out of bed you get a text from spencer. " coffee?". damn it. you thought. you already have plans with adam so you have to tell spencer no, which didn't feel good. " raincheck? sorry I already have plans for coffee." you see him read your message and start to text back right away. "okay, sure! with who?". since you didn't know adam ,like at all, you thought it was safer to tell spencer about what you were doing today. " adam. we are going to A&L's Café" he read your message, but left you on read for a minute before texting back "okay, have fun. let me know if you need anything" you read it and set your phone down, heading to the shower.


after the shower you chose jean shorts, a cropped tank top, and some sneakers to wear since you saw it was going to be very hot today. by the time you got all ready it was 10. your phone buzzes with a message springing up on your phone, its adam saying he is here. so you grab your stuff and head out. on the drive to the café hes listening to music you wouldn't personally listen too. it was loud and they were screaming, you definitely didn't enjoy it.

the café was super classy and smelled of fresh coffee grounds which made you feel welcomed. you order an iced coffee and a muffin and he just gets black coffee. after you receive your coffee you begin to look for a table. there's a table outside in the shade and you both decide to sit there. the conversation is going good until he asks what you do for your job.

Y: I work for the FBI.

his eyes widen and mouth drops. you just sit there in silence until he speaks.

A: wow. I wasn't expecting that. do you get to shoot people?

that seemed like a weird question to ask.

Y: I guess, sometimes. I'm still really new.

A: what do you do there?

Y: I work for the Behavioral Analysis Unit. we study human behavior.

A: can you tell me what I'm thinking about?

you laugh a little bit, people always ask this. when that's not what it means.

Y: no, I cant. I can study the way you act though.

A: okay good. cause I didn't need you knowing that I was thinking about you doing something naughty.

you nervously laugh as that comment creeped you out. this is the first time you hang out with him and hes thinking about you like that. you ignore it and take a sip of your coffee, now warmer than before because of the heat outside. you both continue to ask each other questions, his getting more and more creepy. his attitude weirded you out so much that you ended up texting spencer once he left for the bathroom.

"hey spence can you come get me from this café?" he answered you right away.

"sure. ill be there in like 5 minutes"

you sighed in relief because you couldn't stand being around him for very much longer. he comes back to the table and starts ranting about his job, all you do is nod and smile. spencer arrives and texts you saying hes here.

Y: oh dang it.

A: what? something wrong?

Y: I just got a text saying theres an emergency at my job, I have to leave.

A: really? do you have to? we are having so much fun.

you stand up and start to walk away, but you feel a hand grab your arm tight. so tight you for sure thought it was going to leave a bruise. you turn around shocked with how he grabbed you. his eyes were different here, they seemed evil. it made you thankful spencer was just a few cars down and saw the whole thing. jumping out of his car and running to you.

A: don't I get a hug goodbye?

he says with a terrifying smirk.

you were frozen, not knowing what to say until spencer grabs you and pulls you away from him.

S: back off man.

A: what are you talking about I wasn't doing anything.

spencer got in his face.

S: back off.

his voice deep and intimidating, like he was protecting you.

adam, with an angry look on his face, put his hands up. looked at you and said 'see you later y/n' and walked away.

you still weren't saying anything. you were still scared. like what would have happened if spencer wasn't there, or if we weren't in public.

S: y/n, are you okay.

you stayed silent.

S: y/n!

he puts his hands on your shoulders and you jump, coming back to reality and looking at spencer.

S: are you okay? that dudes a real asshole. I'm glad you texted me.

you still didn't speak, you just hugged him tight. your head resting on his chest. he literally saved you from whatever adam was going to do to you. he kisses the top of your head and walks you to his car. you both sit in his car for what seems like forever because you still couldn't believe what just happened. how spencer protected you made you feel really safe.

Y: he said he was going to see me later.....

you said as you turned your head to spencer, a scared look in your eyes.

spencer looked concerned. he put his car in drive and drove away from the café heading in the direction of your house.

Y: what are you doing?

S: we are packing a bag for you.

Y: why?

S: I cant risk dropping you off at your house knowing this adam guy knows where you live. ill come in with you while you pack. you're staying with me for a while.

your eyes widened. he looks over at you quick because you didn't respond.

S: is that okay with you?

Y: its perfect.


you both arrived at you apartment. spencer coming with you to pack stuff felt like you had your own bodyguard. one you've fucked a couple times, but he still gave you bodyguard vibes. you get to your apartment and unlock the door. after you walk in spencer follows, closing and locking the door behind him.

S: ill just sit here, take as long as you want.

Y: okay. I don't know how much to pack.

S: how long do you want to stay?

Y: how long do you want me to stay? I don't want to be a nuisance.

he gets up and walks over to you, placing his hands on your shoulders.

S: that's impossible.

he said in a soft voice that made you get butterflies in your stomach. you wanted to just kiss him right then and there, but you just smiled and continued to pack.

once you were done you left and both drove to spencer's apartment. you've never been here before. there were thousands of books lining the walls. a chess table that was in the middle of a game. he must be playing against himself. you thought.

S: you can set your things down in my room and set it up however you want it. ill make us sandwiches.

he shows you his room and then returns to his kitchen to make food, when there is a knock on the door. he walks over and looks through the peephole, no one. so he opens the door and sees a letter fall. he grabs it and looks down the hallways on both sides, no ones there. he walks in with the letter and locks the door again. you walk out wondering who it was and you see spencer reading something.

Y: what is that?

he doesn't answer. he just keeps reading

Y: spence, come on. you're scaring me, what is it?

he looks up at you and pauses for a second.

S: is a letter from adam.

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