The So Called "HARD WORK"

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What is defination, what is this so called "HARD WORK" for you?

Answer me.

You must have felt sometimes as I felt this too... that I'm working so truly hard but I ain't able to see any increment in my progress or the increment you saw after too much of this so called "hard work" is just hardly reaching your expectations.

Well, the truth is there is NO SUCH THING AS "HARD WORK". All those ideas of that so called hard work are nothing but USELESS, those are nothing but JUNK. Hard work can NEVER defeat SMART WORK but can Smart work can beat TALENT and it's proven by science.

Making different types of strategies to minimize the loss of  the most important asset of your life i.e TIME, can be defined as SMART WORK, and just working like a mad person, not taking care of yourself physically as well as mentally and wasting your time more than utilising it can be defined as "hard work".

This idea Hard work is the BIGGEST LIE, is the MYTH on which people a relying... and this lie, this myth should be defeated, should be busted. And how can you defeat the lie? You can defeat the lie with the TRUTH and do you know what the truth is? The truth is...

Y O U    H A V E     T I M E...

Just for our comfort we always say tomorrow, tomorrow, TOMORROW!
And we always Forget...


You have the skill. Nothing in this whole world can stop YOU if YOU WON'T.

Look the mirror...
Now it's GO TIME.


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