Four - The Perfect Dress

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It wasn't often that Peter spent time gardening. Ever since his early retirement, he had been meaning to get on with some garden chores but just never got round to it. Usually, he would get caught up reading a book or watching television (and falling asleep in front of it). However, on the morning Margaret was going out with Rose and a reluctant Jamie, Peter decided this would be the perfect opportunity to begin tidying up the garden and pruning the overgrowing bushes. Margaret tended to the flowers and mowed the lawn, but would leave everything else for her husband to do, often standing by the doorway and shouting instructions so he could complete the task to an acceptable standard.

That morning, after he had listen to Margaret talk about which coat she was going to wear (one that would gain her a lot of compliments for its slim fit, pristine polished buttons and faux fur lined hood), Peter had changed into some old clothes, located his tools in the garage, heaved them into a wheel-barrow, and rolled them down the path so he could assess the garden and find what to get on with first. As soon as he stopped to look round, Peter wished he hadn't let the jobs pile up.

He headed to the back of the house to grab his step ladders, and on his way back he noticed a young woman in next door's garden.

"Good morning!" Peter called out to her as he set up the ladders.

She turned, looking dazed, and gave him a polite nod. "Good morning."

"I can tell you're Rose's daughter. Are you Roberta or Jemelin?" Peter asked jokingly as he took off one of his gardening gloves and made his way to the fence.

"Roberta, but I go by Robbie," Robbie responded, joining him at the fence so she didn't have to shout.

"Nice to meet you, Robbie. I'm Peter, Margaret's husband. But don't worry, I'm her opposite," Peter laughed as Robbie's expression morphed into one of panic.

Robbie tried to cover up her terror with a laugh. "Sorry, nice to meet you."

"So, you're off to get more wedding preparations sorted?" Peter asked kindly.

"Yep, Jamie's going to try on wedding dresses with Mum, and Dad and I are off to pay some more money towards the venue."


"My fiancée," Robbie explained, and then lowered her voice. "Her name is Jemelin, but please will you refer to her as Jamie?"

"Ah," Peter nodded. "Of course."

Robbie gave him a grateful smile just as Joseph and the rest of the women appeared; Margaret first, chattering away about something nobody was listening to, Jamie carrying a bag of accessories and a portfolio packed so full it looked like there was no room for any more papers, and Rose at the back, locking the door and shoving the keys into her navy handbag.

Joseph started up the old dark green car at the top of the driveway, and gently rolled it down until it was at the bottom, a few inches away from the pavement, whilst everyone else stopped to say hello to Peter.

"Good morning ladies," Peter smiled. "Rose, Jamie."

The look on Jamie's face was priceless, and Robbie's heart soared at the sight of her delighted fiancée.

"I really do like your coat, Margaret," Rose nodded.

Margaret waved her hand. "What, this old thing?"

Everyone then climbed into the car; Margaret not very happy at the idea of sitting in the back and not the front.

"Don't trip over the curb, Mum," Robbie grinned, despite them being nowhere near the end of the pavement, but knowing this happened all too often.

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