Eleven - Biological Family

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The days that Robbie and Jamie spent time apart were always unusual. The hours seemed to drag and the clock ticked slower than a snail's pace. The two girls HAD been enjoying their morning with Rose, flicking through the TV channels, sipping on cold refreshing drinks, before they received a phone call saying Robbie's suit had been altered and was ready for collection whenever they were available.

"They finished that quicker than my self confidence plummets," Robbie exclaimed as she slipped on her shoes.

Rose and Robbie drove over to the shop, and then picked up Claire on the way back, who was more than happy to begin adding the rainbow ribbon trimming to the suit.

Being concerned about back luck, and also a lover of special surprises, Jamie said she didn't want to watch the alterations taking place, and resolved to go sitting upstairs until it was finished. Robbie pulled Jamie into a big hug before her girlfriend made the treacherous and lonely journey upstairs, whilst Robbie stayed in the living room.

"Can I come in?" Claire was stood by the archway to the living room, but with her back turned. "Am I interrupting? Is it safe?"

Robbie smirked, her arms loosening around Jamie. "Yes, Grandma, you can come in. There's nothing gay going in in here. Not yet, anyway, until we begin on my suit!"

"Goodbye, my love!" Jamie gasped dramatically, pretending to wipe a tear.

Robbie's hands clasped over her heart. "Until we meet again!"

"I'm off for some peace and quiet!" Jamie cried, one hand delicately draped over her for head. "How will I ever cope without my big, butch girlfriend?"


Chuckling, Jamie scarpered upstairs quickly, and Robbie disappeared into the kitchen, appearing a few minutes later wearing her wedding suit, which now fit like a glove. Nothing could have wiped the grin off Robbie's face as she stood proudly.

"I've never felt more butch."

"Absolutely handsome," Claire agreed, a little absentmindedly, as she produced the small tin of pins she had taken from her sewing kit at home. "Stand by the window so I can see you better."

Robbie bounded to the window and stood tall, stretching one leg up and resting it on the armchair, and then raising her arms in the air. When Claire saw this, she gave a small tut and tried to hide her smile.

"Stand properly."

Robbie laughed and stood normally, but lunged to the side and placed her hands on her hips as soon as Claire got close with a pin.

"I'm so fabulous."

Claire lowered her arms and attempted to give her a stern look. "Stand straight, Robbie."

"I can't. Honestly, Gran, I feel like you don't know me at all." Robbie struck a sharp ninja pose, with one leg off the ground and her arms bent into a typical karate pose.

Eventually, Claire managed keep Robbie still and began pinning the rainbow into place along the edges of the jacket. As Claire stood back to admire her work and check everything was in place, Robbie struck yet another pose; this time, with one hand behind her head, the other on her waist, and one leg turned out slightly.

"I'm gorgeous, aren't I?"

"Now stop misbehaving, Lottie. I mean Robbie!" Claire huffed at her mistake.

"Gosh, mistaking me for Aunt Lottie?" Robbie laughed. "I MUST be misbehaving!"

Just then, there were small footsteps making their way down the stairs.

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