Sixteen - Drinks And Dances

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(A/N) Some conversation/language in this chapter may be vulgar/unsuitable for younger readers.

"Party time!!!"

Sisters Lorna and Eva burst through the door, stumbling passed Robbie who was holding it open for them. The two girls then turned, throwing their arms over the bride-to-be, and squeezing even tighter when Robbie insisted she couldn't breathe.

"I've got asthma!" Robbie cried in a joking manner, but was still relieved when the sisters released her.

"We've missed you, Robster Lobster!" Lorna still had her arm lazily draped over Robbie as she spoke. "It's been too long!"

"How much did she drink before she came?" Robbie struggled to speak under the weight of her friend, and she glanced at Eva for help.

"Usually I need three drinks before I allow a man near me," Lorna winked.

"Honestly, she hasn't stopped drinking since Christmas," Eva rolled her eyes and pulled her sister off Robbie, speaking as if Lorna hadn't.

"She's lying!" Lorna pointed at Eva. "I haven't stopped drinking since Valentines day. I had to use alcohol to fill the void in my lonely, single heart."


"I'm kidding, I'm sensible! You two need to lighten up. Look, I even dressed maturely!"

Recently, Lorna developed a goth style, with her thin jet black hair now reached her shoulders, dozens of piercings decorating her ears, and dark contour and lipstick with a light foundation that definitely wasn't her shade. She also wore yellow contacts. Her outfit consisted of a navy pleather jacket, a black cropped top, and tight jeans darker than the night sky. Her large combat boots were covered in buckles. It was as sensible as they'd get her.

Eva was Lorna's little sister, who had occasionally joined the two friends when they worked on school projects or had days out. During their teen years, Robbie and Lorna had never appreciated the younger company, but as Eva grew up and matured, so did they. Eva was three years younger than her sister, with burgundy hair, natural blue eyes, and was rarely seen not wearing a mini skirt and high heels. To accompany her classic look, she was wearing a white turtleneck.

"Where's the party at?" Lorna asked, taking off her jacket and throwing it towards the hanger. It missed. Eva picked it up for her.

"Upstairs in my bedroom."

"Has Jamie's friend arrived yet?" Lorna asked eagerly, her eyes shining, and not because of the artificial colour. "That dreamboat? What's his name... Tim?"

"Tommy. You know his name, he's all you think about. No, he's running late. So we punished him by making him bring the pizza, thus making him even later."

"Well that's disappointing, I did all this makeup just for him! And I want him to look at my new boobs. They're a C now!"

"Good for you." Robbie was too busy locking the door to properly express happiness for her friend. Plus, there was something unnerving about looking at another woman in that way, despite the fact she knew Jamie wouldn't take it the wrong way.

"Come on, let's go upstairs before we're sent back home," Eva hissed at her sister, taking her elbow and dragging her up the stairs.

Robbie silently gave a prayer of thanks that Rose and Joseph were out for that evening. Her parents did like Lorna, but often commented that she was loud and reckless - Robbie's opposite.

Lorna and Robbie had sat together in science class during secondary school, and became friends right away. Robbie had aspirations to be a tomboy, and used Lorna at the time as inspiration to get there, with the short hair and dark clothes. Subsequently, towards the end of their secondary school journey, Lorna confessed she had used her lab partner to work on her own femininity in private, using the opportunity to come out to Robbie as MTF transgender. Soon after that, Lorna began her outward transition, changing her wardrobe, toning down her makeup (she used to practice a lot, but convince everyone she was an aspiring drag queen), and finally being able to begin the hormonal process. Robbie had stuck with her and offered nothing but support and praise.

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