Twenty - I Love You

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It felt like the early hours of the next day before the wedding reception began dwindling to a small skeleton of people and employees. Slowly the guests had left, congratulating the married couple once more and picking up pieces of cake as they went. Robbie and Jamie had hoped most of the pieces of cake would have been taken home by the guests so there wasn't too much left for the girls to deal with. Their wish had mostly come true, but the mountain of cake that was still left over made Joseph's mouth water and eyes shine, so Robbie and Jamie knew that it would be taken care off.

The outside cool breeze was a shock as well as a welcome compared to the inside of the pub. Jamie left the wedding venue alone, checking the most recent text on her phone and walking a short distance down the road, until she came to the field where she had gotten married just hours before. She was relieved that she had chosen the flat shoes and not the heels.

With her heart beating against her chest, she walked up the path, and before too long she saw the silhouette of her fiancée. No, her WIFE. The word brought a smile to Jamie's face that nothing could wipe away.

Robbie was facing away from her, gazing at the archway. Apparently she hadn't heard Jamie make her appearance, which gave the younger girl the perfect opportunity to sneak up to Robbie and plant a surprise kiss on her cheek.

"Hey, handsome," Jamie greeted her, beaming as Robbie turned around.

"Hey, yourself, beautiful," Robbie whispered, her smile so big the sunshine itself couldn't compete.

Jamie's arms reached up and settled on Robbie's shoulders. "I got your text, are you okay?"

"I couldn't be better," Robbie replied, her own arms snaking around Robbie. "I just needed some air, we've been inside a long time. And I wanted you here with me too, because you're my breath of fresh air." Robbie wiggled here eyebrows.

"I'm charmed," Jamie teased as Robbie leant forwards so their foreheads were touching. Their noses rubbed together. "Today came and went so fast. I still can't believe our wedding day actually arrived."

"Me neither," Robbie's voice was breathless. "I never want it to end."

"Is my baby crying?" Jamie joked, using her thumb to wipe the tears trickling down Robbie's cheeks. "I never thought I'd see the day."

With a tearful laugh, Robbie guided her new wife to the step where she had laid a blanket. They sat hand in hand, head on shoulder.

"The best day of my life," Jamie said.

"I couldn't agree more." Robbie kissed the top of Jamie's head. "Thank you for your wedding vows, babe. They were beautiful. I'm so glad I've been able to help you be happy. You've helped me so much too, in ways I can't possibly describe. It means a lot to me that we've been able to make this relationship into what it is today."

"There was so much more that I would have loved to say in my vows, but just couldn't find the words for."

"I loved your wedding vows," Robbie repeated her previous point, "I was worried that you'd say something embarrassing about me."

"You know I struggle to resist a good teasing," Jamie nudged Robbie playfully. "I considered it though. I wondered if I could have mentioned the story when you attempted to give me a good morning kiss when you were off for an early shift, but ended up bashing our heads together?"

"Honestly, I'm surprised neither of us got concussion. It hurt!" Robbie laughed.

"Or the time I text you asking why you weren't in work, and you responded saying you had a stomach ache, not adding the bit where you were at hospital getting your appendix removed?"

"When was that?"

"A few months after we became friends."

"Oh yeah. I remember being worried about getting fired for not showing up to work. My mum had to phone in sick for me."

"If Shawn had fired you, I would have fought your case," Jamie assured Robbie seriously, her tone earning another chuckle from Robbie.

"Thank you, I'm lucky to have you."

"And I feel lucky to have you too. Honestly, Robbie, you're the best. You touch my heart in so many ways."

"I can touch other parts of you too."

"Don't ruin the moment."

"Right. Sorry." Robbie chuckled and hugged Jamie a little closer. "Where do you want to go tonight? Back to the flat, or to my parents' house?"

"I think going to your parents will be the safest option. There won't be any trains at this time, and I'd feel cruel asking your dad to drive us an hour away."

"Smart," Robbie smiled approvingly. "We still have a week booked off before we go back to work, too."

"I can't wait," Jamie rolled her eyes, her tone implying that she in fact COULD wait.

Once again, Robbie laughed, which earned a smile from Jamie.

"You're in a good mood."

"I just got married, nothing could make me hate this day!"

Jamie looked touched. "It's just so nice to see you so happy. Gosh, you're so beautiful when you smile and laugh, Robbie."

"Well, Wife, I'm sure with you by my side there'll rarely be a moment when I don't smile."

"And you're cheeky, too," Jamie nudged Robbie.

"I've got to charm your heart in some way."

"Well, believe me, it's been thoroughly captured."

Both girls reached out, cupping their wife's cheeks in their hands, pulling each other close, and time froze as they shared a long and passionate kiss, full of life and joy, emotion and happiness. An act of love to show the other that no force would be able to drive them apart. That they'd stick together forever, and keep having adventures together.

It seemed like forever before their lips broke apart, although they stayed in each others arms, locked in an embrace only two lovers could understand.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

__The End__

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