Author's Note

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If you made it this far, thank you so much for taking the time to read my story! I'm really pleased with it, it's one of my favourite things I've ever thought up and brought to life. Writing this story and going over ideas and building characters definitely kept me busy and occupied this year during all the madness, which is just what I needed.

I hope you enjoyed reading the story just as much as I enjoyed writing it (I do hope so, because if you didn't, why are you here reading this?!) and that you'll even consider checking out some others things I've written too. I'm not sure if anything is else in store for Robbie and Jamie, or what I'll publish next, but I hope you'll stick with me throughout my writing journey!

Please take care of yourselves and keep safe, make sure to pause and rest, have plenty of nutrients and make sure to stay hydrated too!

Thank you again,

Faye The Fab 🥰💖

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