Ten - Planted Plans

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Plans were Margaret's favourite thing to put in place and work through, even more so when they worked in her favour. With a little bit of persistence and coaxing, Margaret could learn anything she wanted. Even though she knew that some people answered her questions simply to get out of her company as soon as possible, Margaret never let that distract her, and always tracked them down again for any follow up questions. That was one of her many talents.

Margaret had woken up especially early to keep a watchful eye on her neighbour's house, the cup of tea in her hand going cold as she focused on the outside world. She witnessed Joseph drive away to work and Rose stumbling out of the door only moments later, dashing down the street, returning to close the door, and then heading back out of sight. Margaret almost turned her head away, but stopped when she saw Robbie and Jamie leave the house too. At first, Margaret's heart quickened its pace, as she feared she may lose her chance, but thankfully Jamie stayed in the garden and Robbie disappeared back in the house.

Perfect. It was as if fate was on her side.

Almost spilling her drink in the process, Margaret raced to the front door, threw it opened, and scuttled down her garden path. It was only when she crossed into next door that she realised she was still wearing her pink slippers. She hoped nobody else would notice.

"Good morning, Jemelin!" Margaret called cheerfully, trying to hide her breathlessness.

There was an expression on Jamie's face that couldn't properly be read, but it was quickly replaced with a kind smile.

"Hello, Margaret." Unfortunately the tone wasn't as kind as the smile. "Margaret, I've told you before, please call me Jamie."

"Are you sure you like having a boy name, though?" Margaret was trying to use her tone to convince Jamie that she was wrong with her choices. "You suit Jemelin very much, it's so beautiful after all."

"I prefer Jamie, thanks."

"How did you get Jamie from Jemelin? What about Jemma? That would be much more suitable and femenine." Margaret felt a little awkward with the cup of tea in her hands, but all the same she held it like it was a sceptre.

Janie turned her head to the front door, silently pleading for Robbie to hurry up. But Margaret was far from done.

"Jemelin is a lovely name, I can't see why you wouldn't want to use it. Do you know where the name came from? Were you named after someone?"

"Uh..." Jamie pulled an expression, as if to say she didn't want to share the answer, but felt like she had to. "Actually, I was named after my grandmother."

"Ah, that's lovely," Margaret nodded, retaining this information. "Jemelin is a lovely name," she repeated. "Your mother chose the name, I assume?"

Now Jamie's face looked horrified; her eyes widened and lost their sparkle, her lip quivered, and her whole being seemed to tighten with anxiety, but also sag with sadness and exasperation. Before Margaret properly had a chance to analyse this reaction, Robbie appeared, swinging her backpack over her shoulder and locking the door.

"Good morning, Roberta," Margaret waved when she turned around.

"Hiya," Robbie nodded quickly, causing Margaret to shudder at the informal greeting.

"Are you going somewhere nice?" Margaret asked.

"Just popping out," Robbie said bluntly, offering her hand to Jamie, who took it immediately. "Everything okay?"

"Fine," Jamie lied, her tone bitter. "Let's go."

Margaret allowed the girls to wander off; she didn't need to pester them anymore because she had all the information she needed. Well not all of it, but just enough. Jamie's name, her reaction – it was all crucial to Margaret's plan.

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