Six - Family

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As a child, Robbie had spent many weekends with her grandparents, Joseph's mother and father; an elderly couple with young hearts, cheeky spirits and two cupboards packed with what appeared to be all the snacks in the world. At first, they had been furious at Joseph having a daughter at such a young age, but once they met Robbie for the first time, they absolutely adored her and insisted she visit them more often, considering Robbie was staying with Rose and her own mother.

Growing up, Robbie loved her visits too, dressing up and enjoying arts and crafts the most, before her grandad fell ill when she was about seven-years-old. Since then, Robbie had visited less frequently, but still kept in touch. Her handmade drawings and cards always brought light on the darkest days, and her babblings away on the phone made her grandparents laugh. As her grandad's condition improved and there wasn't much strain on her grandma, the visits resumed, but a few years had passed and Robbie had grown up. The fairy frocks were put away and she entered her tomboy phase of black jeans, dark hoodies and short hair, all later enhancing her butch style. Still, her grandparents loved her company, and Robbie had remained cheerful and energetic.

At the start of their relationship, when both girls were age seventeen, Robbie had expressed concerns to Jamie about coming out to her grandparents, which had resulted in her asking Joseph to talk to them first. To Robbie's amazement and relief, her grandparents welcomed her sexuality with open arms. Ever since, Robbie made sure to visit them with Jamie in tow, who her grandparents quickly became fond of.

When plans for them to visit Joseph and Rose's home (to see Robbie and Jamie a few months before the wedding) were set in stone, Robbie could hardly wait. Her childhood quirks and characteristics subconsciously came flooding back, but Rose didn't mention this; even when she caught Robbie looking out of the window despite it being two hours before their guests were due to arrive. When Joseph's car finally pulled up, Robbie rushed out of the front door faster than lightning and threw her arms around her grandma.

"Steady on!" Claire laughed as she slightly stumbled backwards, gently knocking into the car. "Robbie, you're crushing me!"

"Sorry," Robbie jumped back, "I've just missed you so much!"

"And we've missed seeing you too, but it's lovely that you've been working hard for your wedding. I do wish you'd let me and Grandad contribute something, though."

"All we want is for you two to come to the wedding, you don't need to do anything else," Robbie replied, allowing her grandma to take her arm.

Claire wasn't considerably old, but several years of hard work had taken their toll, adding deep wrinkles to her dark skin and painting the roots of her hair grey. But Claire still looked gorgeous with her beautiful ebony locks flowing around her shoulders, wearing leopard print jackets and leggings. In her right hand decorated with bracelets was a walking stick, and around her neck was a necklace older than her; an heirloom passed through generations, and soon enough would fall into Robbie's possession.

"Hang on, doesn't this dashing old gent get any attention?" came a croaking voice from behind.

"Oh, sorry, Grandad!" Robbie left Claire at the front door in Jamie's hands, and raced back to plant a kiss on her Grandad's cheek, stooping down and resting her hands on the armrests of his wheelchair as she did so.

"I'm glad you haven't forgotten about me," Matthew laughed.

Matthew was just over ten years older than his wife, with no hair left on his head but a full grey beard that was hanging off his face. Perched on his nose were thick framed glasses, making his cocoa eyes look twice their size. Plus, he had to squint in order to see, which gave him a permanent look of concentration, but his grin softened up his face. He wore a large fleece, smart trousers, and a pair of shoes he'd owned for almost six years but still looked brand new.

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